Part 58(Last Part)

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Part 58

One night, during dinner:

Everyone are having dinner silently when Ratna cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention..

" Actually when Aryan's custody case was going, I prayed to devimayya that if we will get Aryan's custody and get rid off Sheetal permanently then I will come to her temple with whole family and worship her.." said Ratna..

"So, When should we go ??" asked Avinash..

"After two days, I am even thinking to arrange a puja for well being of Aryan.. If you all are ok with it, then I will talk with Panditji" said Ratna..

Everyone thought for a while and agreed to it..

After two days:

" Chote..What is this ?? Didn't I said not to keep any important meetings today ??"asked Ratna..

" Haan Mumma.. You did..But what can I do ?? Clients came from London suddenly and they have to leave by evening.. This project is really very important" said Arnav..

" Ok I agree but what is the need you to go ?? Can't you send Akash or Anjali ??"asked Ratna..

" No Mumma.. Clients are impressed by ASR.. They want only him during the presentation " said Akash..

Ratna sulked hearing it, " I thought to make you and Khushi sit in the puja along with Aryan"

" Maa.. Let him be.. We are all going naa.. If this project is least important, then he might not have gone naa" said Khushi..

Ratna sighed heavily, " Ok.. Your wish.. Even Garima is not coming as she has to go to one of the relatives function"

In the evening:

It was already an hour Arnav returned from office.. NK called him and said the puja is about to wrap up.. But they can't return back to night as a tree fallen down near the temple due to heavy wind and there is a traffic jam.. So, priest suggested them to stay back and made arrangements for his accommodation..

Arnav is working on his laptop when Ramu ( Khushi's house maid) came running into his room..

"Sir.." Ramu is panting heavily..

"What happened Ramu ??"asked Arnav..

" Woo.. Garima Madam.. She fell down from stairs" said Ramu..

Arnav immediately rushed to Gupta house without wasting a minute.. There Garima is lying on the floor in pool of blood..

Arnav is horrified seeing it.. He ordered his driver Mohan to take out car and lifted Garima in his arms..

Ramu and HP followed him..Soon Garima is taken to the hospital..

In the hospital:

Garima is taken into the ICU immediately.. Arnav tried calling his family members but there is no signal network at that place..

Second Love and Marriage 2 (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن