Shipwreck Cove

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A few days later, we arrived at Shipwreck Cove and were heading to where the meeting was going to take place.

"Look alive, and keep a weather eye!" Gibbs shouted to the crew, "Not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island, where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."

"You heard him. Step lively!" Pintel said.

"For all that pirates are clever cobs," Jack said, as we walked, "we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things."

"Aye," Gibbs agreed.

"I once sailed with a geezer lost both of his arms and part of his eye."

"And what'd you call him?" I asked.

"Larry." I laughed and Gibbs walked away.

"You're not naming our kids," I told Jack, "if we do have any." He kissed me.

"How's your backside?" he asked.

"Still sore," I replied, leaning over the railing, "we're never doing it on the deck again. I'm surprised I didn't get a splinter." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, as we saw the other pirates' ships.

"Look at them all!" Pintel said.

"There's not been a gatherin' like this in our lifetime," Barbossa added.

"And I owe them all money," Jack whispered. I rolled my eyes, and we made our way into the courtroom, "Stay by my side," he whispered, "I don't want anyone to use you as leverage against me." I nodded and linked my arm in his.

Barbossa banged a cannonball on the table, before speaking, "As he who issued summons, I convene this, the fourth Brethren Court. To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns." The Pirate Lords, put their pieces of eight in a bowl, although they weren't pieces of eight, just random objects.

"Those aren't pieces of eight," said Pintel, "they're just pieces of junk."

"Aye," Gibbs explained, "the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso, but when the first court met, the brethren were to a one, skint broke."

"So change the name."

"To what? 'Nine Pieces of Whatever We Happened to Have in Our Pockets at the Time'? Oh yes, that sounds very piratey."

"Mr. Ragetti," Barbossa said, "if you will."

"I kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me."

"Aye, ya have, but now I need it back." He whacked the back of Ragetti's head, his wooden eye popping out into the bowl.

"Sparrow!" Jack reached up and touched the piece of eight on his bandanna.

"Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us."

"Sao Feng is dead," I heard Elizabeth say, "He fell to the Flying Dutchman." I looked over to see her put her sword in the globe.

"And made you captain?" Jack asked, "They're just giving the bloody title away now."

"Listen. Our location has been betrayed," Elizabeth said, "Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett, they're on their way here."

"Who is this betrayer?"

"Not likely anyone among us," answered Barbossa.

"Where's Will?" asked Elizabeth.

"Not among us," Jack replied.

"And it matters not how they found us. The question is, what will we do now that they have?"

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