Emma and Evan

76 10 2

January 30, 1976

Atop the Astronomy Tower, EMMA and ROSIER stand at the open window, gazing out over the twilit grounds.

ROSIER: Heard you had some trouble with the underclassmen lately.

EMMA: It's nothing. Just horsing around, you know how it goes.

ROSIER: Hmm. Sounded like it was more serious, to me.

EMMA: Oh, really?

ROSIER: Oh, yeah. You know how rumours spread in this school.

EMMA: I don't know, Evan. It's just-


EMMA: Seeing that kind of stuff with kids- the way the purebloods target the half-bloods and the Muggle-borns, just because of their blood status- it's the same kind of prejudice that You-Know-Who has been promoting for years. And now the children are acting the same way.

ROSIER: I mean, come on, Emma. Who was it, Avery and that Mulciber? You know their fathers are in with You-Know-Who. Where do you think they learn it from?

EMMA: I know, but when they bring it into the school like this, and everyone else sees it, then they learn it, too. It's just not right.

ROSIER: You're saying Mudbloods are of equal rank to us?

EMMA: No, not exactly, it's just- I don't know. It just seems unfair to me.

ROSIER steps forward and wraps his arms around EMMA, resting his head on her shoulder.

ROSIER: This world isn't fair, Emma, you know that. The Dark Lord is powerful for a reason. Eventually, everyone will understand how important it is to keep Mudbloods out of Hogwarts. To keep magical education within the minds of those who deserve it. Then these kinds of pranks and things won't happen again.

EMMA: I suppose you're right.

EMMA turns around and kisses ROSIER. Behind them, the moon passes behind a cloud, casting the grounds into darkness. 

The Marauders Unite (III)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora