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15 years Prior * Flashback*

Callie's POV

" Callie- what's going on? Is everything okay?" Brandon asks through the door, blockading him from me.

" Yes, Brandon, go away." I say as I hear Brandon slowly walks away, making his footsteps noticable. I open the door slowly, as Brandon peeks in, grinning from ear to ear.

" Cal- I always thought you were more clever than that." Brandon teases as he walks in, sitting on Mariana's empty bed.

" I could have been changing, Brandon you cannot just walk in like that." I exclaim as Brandon starts laughing, " As if I haven't seen you naked."

My mouth goes agape, " When did you see me naked?" I question, my brain racking through my prior relationship with my now soon-to-be brother.

" That night at your apartment- that apartment you would've lived in. I know we never got to do anything but still- I saw-" Brandon begins, his face turning a bright pink.

" You're such a pervert." I squeal, playfully hitting him on the arm. He grabs my arm, pulling me down until we are face to face.

" Brandon." I say softly as he places his hand on the side of my face, slowly leaning in. He stops as, I brush his lips to mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he stands up, as I wrap my legs around his waist. Carrying me- I end up against the wall, as Brandon deepens the kiss.

" Callie, I love you." He murmurs in between long, drawn out kisses. Perfect kisses. 

" I love you too." I say, and for the first time I fully mean what I am saying.

Present Day

My eyes flutter open, as I look around at my surrounds. I hear Maddy's faint voice to my left. She is curled up in a chair, whispering lyrics to all the the lullabies I had wrotten for her. She only talks when she is having a nightmare. Slowly I get up from under the covers, my head throbbing. I unhook the IV from me, as I get out of the bed staggering. Pulling Maddy into my arms, I sit on the chair, Maddy cuddling next to me. I wrap my arm around her, holding her tight, desperatly trying to get the nightmares to go away.

Bailey walks into the room, looking at an empty bed. She begins crying, before noticing me in the chair, holding Maddy in my arms. I stand up, pulling Bailey into my arms. I begin to cry as Bailey tells me of how much she loves me.

A man walks in behind them holding Jack. The man puts Jack down, who stumbles toward me. He is crying- this man. He wraps his arms around me.

" Callie, I missed you so much.I love you, please don't ever scare me again like that." The dark haired, green eyed man says, as my children run up towards him, wrestling him to the ground.

" You're great with my kids, I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked confused, never meeting this man before in my life.

He is speechless, as I begin to remember the man from my dream. " Are you one of my brother, Jesus' friends?" I ask, trying to figure out who this man is.

" It's Brandon, babe. You're husband of eight years." He says softly, walking towards me, trying to grab my hand.

" I'm sorry- I don't know you." I say as tears begin to roll down his face.

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