part 28

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Time jump
6 Months later:

It was night of 18th April. I woke up and felt that the bed underneeth me was wet...

-"JOSH" I screamed...
-"Huh..mhh" he was still sleaping...
-"JOSH WAKE UP. MY WATER JUST BROKE" J screamed even louder...
-"WHAT?" he jumped out of bed...
-"Yeah. I am scared. O..uuuu. uuuu..." I startes to feel pain...
-"Just put on a clean pair of pants. I will go get the diaper bag and you beg. Ooo I need to call your parents so they can take Eliot" Josh said and walked in our closet to get the bags...
-"Ok. Uuu. Ouch.." The contractions were becoming stronger and more painfull...
-"Lets go. Your parents will meet us at hospital"

We got in car. Eliot was crying because he was woken up. I wanted to hold him but I couldn't.

At hospital:

We walked in...
-"Ok. Calm down." I said...

-"Oh Maya... How far are the contractions?" My mom asked as she took Eliot from Josh...
-"Uu.. uuu..huuuu. I... think that.. about 2 minutes apart"

The nurs came and led us to our room. I changed in hospital wear. The doctor walked in and checked me...

-"So Maya. You are about on time. Your contraction are 1 minute apart and you are 10cm dialated. I think this baby is ready to come out." She said and turned to put on a gloves...
-"What? I need to push right away?" I was shocked...

-"Ok Maya. Push" doctor said. Josh was next to me holding my neck and knee."Push" she said again...
-"I can't...I can't" I started to cry...
-"Maya look at me. You don't have a choice. Remember hiw bad we wanted this baby." Josh said as ge looked in to my eyes...
-"Ok... And three two one PUSH"

After few pushes our baby boy was born...

-"It's a boy" doctor said as she gave the baby to nurse...
-"Josh go with him. Don't leave him alone" I said...
-"Ok" Josh kissed me and followed the baby...

In hospital waiting room:

-"Hi. Shawn Katy would you like to meet your grandson?" I asked...
-"Of course. Is Maya ok?" Katy asked...
-"yeah. She is being transfered to her rokm right now"

struggling JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now