Part 6

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Month later.At the hospital:


It was my weekly check up. Doctor said that my hair loos is effected by my theraphy. And tgat my hair is gonna fall off completly...
I was sad, but I knew that it would help me get better. I kniw I can fight this thing.... After my doctors apointment I went kver to Rileys house...
I knocked on the dore and Josh opened the it.
-"umm Is Riley home?"
-"Yes. She is in her room" he said and let me in...
-"thanks" it was so akward...
-"Hi Riley"
-"Hi Maya"
-"What is up with Josh? He seems so sad"
-"I think it's because of you"
-"Me? Wait did someone tell him?" I asked. Because I told everyone not to say a thing to him about this...
-"No. Of course not. Just last night he said he misses you"
-"ouu. "
-"Maya you should talk to him"
-"Yeah I know. Could you please call him to your room?"
-"Yeah sure"
Riley went to get Josh. I was nervous. I didn't want to face him. But it's better if he hears this from me...


I was sitting on tge couche and watching TV when Riley came in and told me that Maya wanted to talk to me...
-"Am where is she?"
-"She is in my room. She wants to talk to you"
As I was going to Rileys room I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at Ski Lodge. I mean it's tge last time we spoke just the two of us...
-"Hi. Can I come in?"
-"Um yeah" she answered...
-"What did you want to talk about?"
-"Well I... I miss you. You are one of my best friends and it hurt me everytime we were fighting" she said as her eyes started to fill up with tears...
-"Me too."
-"But we can't be anything more than just friends"
-"Yeah of course. I get it. You just got out of realationship" I want to suport her and her decisions...
-"Yeah thanks"
-"We are friends"
-"Yes. So as my friend I think I need to tell you something. I can't keep it in anymore." She said it and i got nervous...
-"It's ok. Just say it. I'm here"
-"Josh... I have cancer" she started to cry. She took off her hat and showed her bald head...
-"Omg. Maya... why didn't you tell me sooner?" I started to cry...
-"It's not as easy as it seams."
We sat there. I hugged her. We bouth cried. At this point I knew that I loved her and that she is the one. Riley walked in...
-"Josh, Shawn is here to pick Maya up"
-"Yeah. Don't wake her. I will carry her to car"

Nect day:


I woke up in my room. I didn't understad how I got here... As I was waking up my mim walked in...
-"Maya wake up. We need to go see doctor"
-"Yeah. I'm up"
I felt sick. My vometing was back. I looked in the mirror... I was pale and I had dark circles under my eyes... My head started to turn so I jelled...
-"Mom. MOM!"
-"What!?" She ran in the room...
-"I feel sick. My head hurts."
As I said it I felt pain in my stumic... I fell to the ground on my knees. I couldn't take the pain...
-"Omg baby girl... hold on.."Mom talked to me... "Shawn call 911"
Shawn ran in my room and saw me on the ground crying...
-"Omg Maya"

At the hospital:


My heart was racing... my little angel, my baby....
-"Katy calm down. Everything is gonna be ok... Thats Maya in there. She is though and strong" Shawn tried to callm me down...
-"We should call Topanga"
-"Yeah. You're right"

Few minutes later:


We got to the hospital as soon as posible. I ran up to Katy and uncle Shawn to hug them... Then Lucas took me aside and hugged me. I was crying nonstop so he tried to calm me down....
-"Everything is gonna be ok. It's Maya. She has to ok"
-"I.I..I know" I said as I was crying...
We were standing and waiting...and waiting...and waiting...
Then all of a suden Josh stormed in the hospital...
-"Where is she?" He asked...
-"She is in surgery"
-"What happened??"
-"The cancer has spread to her stomic"
-"So what does it mean?"
-"It means that the chemical  therapy they are using on her isn't working."
We all waited for at least 8 hours...
-"Here comes the doctor" everyoblne stood up...
-"How is she?" I asked as soon as I saw him...
-"She is stable. She had a seaser on table but now she is sleeping in rehab"
-"Can we see her?"
-"Only family"


We walked in the room and she was just waking up...
-"Hi Maya" I asked..."How are you?"
-"I'm ok. Who are you?"
Omg. That shocked me....
-"I am your mom"
-"I don't... I can't remember anything"
-"That's ok... everything is gonna be ok"

struggling JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now