Part 2

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Month later:


I have been in an official realetionship with Alex for about 2 weeks now. And I love it. He is awesome. We have the best time together.

At school:

-"Hi Alex" I walked up to him and kissed him...
-"Hi Maya" he kissed me back...
-"So are we on for tonight?"
-"No sorry. My grandma is in town. But I'll be free tomorrow. Is that ok?" He asked nervous and disapointed...
-"Alex everything is ok. I get it. It's family. We will go out tomorrow. Plus I get to sped tome with Riley" I said and comforted him...
-"Thanks, thats so sweet" he kissed me. And I blushed...


-"Hi you two" I came up to Maya and Alex...
-"Hi Riley" Alex said...
-"Hi Riles" Maya said...
-"I have to go. My class is on the other side of the school" Alex laughed and kissed Maya before walking of...
-"So... How is everything going?" I asked kind of akward...
-"Everything is fine and I am happy!!" Maya answerd and smiled...
-"are you going out today too or do I get you today?" I loughed...
-"Today I am with you" she said and we walked to class...
After school:


-"Are you ready to go?"
-"Yeah. You go home I am gonna run fast to my house and grab stuff we need for homework" she said and ran off...
-"Hi Riley" I heard someone saying that right as I walked in livingroom...
-"Hi uncle Josh!: I answered little bit suprised... "What are you doing here?"
-"Oh well I was bored. We have free day at NYU and I didn't want to sid in my dorm all day"
-"Ok. I'll be in my room if you need anything" I said and went to my room...
I didn't text or call Maya to say that Josh is here. Because she wouln't have come if she knew...


I walked in and saw Josh. He was watchong TV and eating popcorn. I didn't even say Hi. I just tried to get to Rileys room fast enough but he started to talk...
-"Hi Maya" he said...
-"Hi Josh"
-"How are you?"
-"I am good thanks!" I said without asking back because I wanted to end this akward conversation as fast as posible, but he had more q....
-"So how is school"
-"Good. I acctually came her to studu with Riley, sk I should probably get going" I said hoping he would stop talking...
-"That's great. So... how is Alex?" He asked and left me speachless...
-" I'm sorry what?" I was so shocked "why do you care? And how do you even know his name?"
-"Oh well you see I care becayse he is dating someone I know"
-"Just know?"
-"Yeah I tottaly know her"
-"Yeah well thats the problem. You just know her. Nothing more. So If that's it I would like to go and do what I came gere to do. Which is study" I left kind of angry, because I could hear in his voice he was disapointed...
-"Ahh I can't believe it!!" I stormed in in  Rileys room...
-"What?" Ske asked a little scared from the sound dores made when they shut...
-" Josh...He is so annoing. He doesn't care about me for a year, and now that I have boyfrien all of a sude  he wants to know things about me!" I was so angry...
-" Maybe he is just being nice?" She is so inocent...
-"Maybe" I agreed because I didn't want to argue with her...


Oh shi*... Niw she is angry with me.  What does she see in that guy?
-"Uncle Josh?" I heard Riley walk in livingroom...
-"Could you please not talk to Maya about her and Alex?"
-"Well we all know about your "Long game" and "Someday", but she is living now. And she was holding on and hoping for a year..  but you never did anything... So now it's your turn to step back" Riley said...
When she said that to me I felt like  I had lost something. Like I lost Maya eventhoug she wasn't really mine...

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