Part 9

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That evening:


We kept kissing... It was perfect. His lips were so soft and he was so gentle...
-"Do you want to stay the night?" I asked him...
-"Yeah. Sure" he answered...
We went to my bedroom. We just laid on bed. I felt his arms around me. We cuddled and went to sleep...

Next morning:


I woke up but Mata wasn't there. I got out of bed, got dressed and walked out of the room. I saw her in kitchen...
-"Goodmorning " I said...
-"Hi!" She answered with big smile on her face..."I made us breakfast"
-"well. It smells fantastic" i said as I was walking tords her...
We were eating breakfast and loughing wgen the dorebell rang... Maya went to check it out...
-"What's that?" I asked when she returned...
-"Oh that's just a letter for me?" She answered kind of weird...
-Well who is that from?"
-"Alex" she answered and I kind of  started to worry...
-"What? Why? What does he want? Are you twoo still dating?" I  stressed...
-"Well I asked him to write me every month... and no we are nkt dating. You can calm down" she said...
She went to living room and opened the letter. I let her read it alone. I stayed in kitchen. After 10 minutes she walked back in...
-"So what does it say?" I asked as I saw the shock on her face...
-"He is coming to town and he wants to meet me"
-"What? You are not going right?"
-"Josh would you calm down!? Firstly we haven't put any lables  on us and secondly I am not getting back together with Alex. He lives in UK. He is just wisiting. So tes I am going to meet him" she said in angry voice...


Ahh. I was so angry. Thing were going so good. Josh is so jelous. We aren't even dating. He knows how I feel about him. He should understand...
I jelled at him and went to livingroom. Few seconds later I heard how the doore slamed. Josh. He walked out. I didn't even bother runing after him. He should know better. I opened up to him lastnight, aftet I srongly said we were just friend... we bouth knew that  was inpossible for us to be just friends. I texted Alex...


MAYA- I just got your letter.When are you coming?
ALEX- I flew in about 2 hours ago
MAYA- What?
ALEX- yeah. So are you up for meeting? I have something to tell you...
MAYA- Yeah. I'll get ready. See you at Topanga's jn about hour?
ALEX- Yeah. See you!

He us allready here? I need to get ready. I wonder what does he need to tell me. I hope he isn't moving back. I would love him being around more often but that would crush things between me and Josh. And not because I want to get back together with Alex, but because Josh is so jelous and sensetive... And I can't say that I don't have feelings for Alex, but they have fained... I have stronger feeling for Josh. But It seems like Josh doesn't hear me pr understand me when I tell him that...

1 hour later ar Topanga's:

I walked in and he wasn't there jet. I ordere us coffee...
-"Hi beautiful" I heard Alex's voice...
-"Hi" I said...
We hugged. He kissed me on the cheek and I kissed him on the sheek too...
-"So how are things?"
-"Oh just... you know.. the same" I said. I didn't want to tell him about the whole cancer and memorie thing...
-"oh. That's good I hope.."
-"So what did you want to tel me?" I asked when I rememberd his text...
-"Well I wanted you to find out this from me and not somebody else. So here it goes.... Maya I am seeing someone. I didn't want to hurt you so...." I cut him off...
-"Stop it. It's ok. I don't expect you to be alone for the rest of your life.  Abviously there is some conection and feelings betwen the two of us, but  it wasn't ment to be and besides I am kind of seeing someone else too..."
-"Thank you Maya. I really care about what you have to say. I care about you and that will never change." He said putting smile on my face...
-"I care about you too. You are my friend. One of my best friends now. I am happy that you are happy. But if we are being honest I think I have something to tell you too." I said and saw that he got consorned...
-"well... tell me allready"
-"Alex I have cancer. It's getting better because we diagnosed it soon. And I had a surgery and in that surgery I had seasur and I lost my memorie. I got it fully back just yesterday..." I just spit it all out...
-"Wait what? Why did noone told me? Omg Maya. How did you found out?"
-"Well after the night we spent together I thought I was pregnant becayse I felt massive pain in my belly. I took test and it was negative. My mom took me to doctors.And then they told me."
-"And you didn't think that ypu should maybe tell me?"
-"I am sorry ok. I am."
-"I need you to promise that from nowon you tell me everything if something bad happens to you... ok?"
-"I am serious Maya. I want to be there for you" he said and that made me smile...
We sat there and talked for 2 hours. It was time for him to leave. He wanted to go see his family... we said our goodbyes...

At Rileys aparyment:

I went over to Rileys nad Lucass aprtment.
-"Hi peaches" Riley said as I walked in...
-"Hi Riles"
-"So how was brunch with Alex.?"
-"wait how do you know about that?"
-"Oh Josh told me!"
-"Well we talked. I told him about my cancer and memorie. He told me that he had girlfriend" as J said that I heard Josh screaming from kichen "YES"
-"Oh sorry"
-"No Riley. It's a good thing. Now I can move on too."
-"Well anything that makes you happy makes me happy"
-"Thanks Riles" I hugged her...

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