Part 3

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5 months after:

At Topanga's:


Me and Josh haven't talked since that little argument...Me and Riley were sitting at Topanga's when Alex and Lucas came in...
-"Hi babe" Alex said and kissed me...
-"Hi. Where were you?" I asked...
-"We were playing soccer with Farkle, Zay and Josh" Lucas said...
-"Wait...Josh? What was he doing there?"I was so shocked...
-"Well he texted me this morning and asked if he could hang out with us" Lucas answered...
I was shocked and wanted to know why Josh did that. He never hangs out with Farkle and Zay. He is only friends with Lucas...
-"I need to go! I said nervous...
-"Where?" Alex saunded worried...
-"Me and Riley need to go see my mum" I lied and I feel so bad...
-"Yeah we need to go" Riley said in a veird voice, because she knew I was lying...
-"Ok.Bye" Lucas and Alex said at the same time...
-"Bye" We said, kissed out boyfriends and left...


I didn't understand why Maya was lying and where were we going...
-"Maya, where are we going?" I asked...
-"I need to see Josh and tell him to stay out of my life" she said with anger in her voice...
-"Ok. But maybe he was just being nice?" I tried to calm her down...
-"No Riley. If he would trie to be nice he would listen when I tell him to leave me alone" She answerd and got more angrie...
-"ok ok"...
We kept going in silenc... We bouth took a deep breath begore we walked in an apartment...


I was sitting and listening to music in headphones when I heard the doors shut...
-"Why can't you leave me alone?" Maya started to jell as soon as she steped in...
-"What are you talking about?" I tried to play like I didn't kniw what she was talking about...
-"Leave me and Alex alone.You made your choice when you decidet not to talk to me, not to text me fir a YEAR. This is my choice. I am happg with Alex. You can leave me alone. If you didn't care about me for the last year, why do you care now?" She jelled witg tears starting to fall down her face...
-"Maya. I want to make sure..." she cut me off...
-"You don't have to make sure of anything. We are not friends... and If you keep trying to ruin my life...We never will be" she was mad...
-"Maya..." She cut me off again...
-"Keep it. I don't want to hear it" she stormed out of the apartment...
-"Why did you do that Josh?" Riley asked softly and quiet...
'"I need to make sure he is good enough for her" I sounded so dumb and stupid...
-"Well he is. He treats her with respect... He never does anything she doesn't like and he is a gentleman... " she tried to calm me down, but hearing that just made me even more mad...
-"Fine. I'll leave her alone. For now. But I will have to talk to her. I want to be atleast friends with her." When I said that, I felt tears in my eyes... but I didn't let it show...


I was so mad. When I left Rileys apartmen I went home and called Alex...
-"Alex?" I said with tears streaming down my face...
-"Yeah Maya? Is everything ok?" He askes gently...
-"Not really. Can you please come over? I need you!" I said...
-"Yeah. I'll be there as soon as posible." he hang up...
I calmed down... I know that Josh is trying to protect me, but I am not a little girl. I'm 17 years old...
I heard a door bell...
-"Hi babe" Alex said with big smile on his face...
-"Hi" I hugged him...
He came in. There was a bascet in his hands but he didn't shiw what was in there... I told him everything what happened at Rileys place. Of course I didn't say that I had crush on him for the past 4 years. I said that we were good friends and that now I feel like I los a friend....
-"Everything is gonna be ok. He is just trying to be good friend" he said.
-"Thank you."
Then he opened the basket and pulled out sendwithes, chocholote covered strawberries and juice boxes...
-"Aww you are so cute and romantic" i said.
In that moment I was genually happy. I think I am really falling for him. He is awesome. He always sais the right thing... He is allways there..  we were dating for 6 months... We started kissing. Then I felt how his hands started to touch my face and then they started to slip down. He then stoped.
-"Are you ok? Or should we stopp?" He asked. In that moment I knew I loved him... I mean he is everything a girl could ask for...
-"Yeah. Everything is ok." I said and started to kiss him...
We laid down on the bed and he started to kiss ne slowly. Down my neck, my chest.... I felt ready. I pulled him up and started to kiss him on the lips. We were going slow and I liked it. He then undresed me and I undressed him... We laid fown on bed and kept going. Everything was perfect. It was my first time and it was his first time too...

struggling JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now