part 26

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Next day:


We woke up. Last night was hard. We sat on our bed and talked. Josh held me in his arms and said that this time it's gonna be ok.

-"Goodmorning sunshine" Josh said as he left a soft kiss on my cheek...
-"Goodmorning" I said and opened my eyes...
-"I will get Eliot. Call your parents and ask if they can take him. If not then we will call Topanga" Josh said and left the room...

I was done talking with Topanga. I walked in livingroom and saw Josh rocking and dancing with Eliot. I was so happy.

-"So. Can they take him?" Josh asked as soon as he saw me...
-"My parents can't but Topanga can" I said...

I started to dance with them. There was "Forget you" on speaker. We were dancing. And suddenly... I saw that if everything is ok, then few months later there will be four of us...

-"Ok. Lets eat, get Eliot ready" Josh said as he turned down the music...
-"Ok. I will go make him breakfest. Go get him dressed." I said and went in kitchen...

After we git ready and ate we left the apartment. We went over to Mathews apartment to drop Eliot off. Mom was working today.

-"So are you ready?" Josh asked as soon as we stepped out of Mathews apartment...
-"I am scared" I said and grabbed his hand...
-"I know. Me too" he said as he kissed my arm...

Half an hour later we were in hospital for our doctors apointment. We walked in and laid on table. The woman came in and checked on baby with ultraspund. There was a baby!!

-"I will go get the doctor" tge woman said and walked out of the room...
-"Ok. Thank you"

Few minutes later the doctor came in...

-"Hi Maya and Josh" she greated us...
-"Hi doctor" We said...
-"So the baby looks just fine. And you look fine. But because there was a miscarrege few months ago we should keep a close eye on you. And you should probably take it slow and calm. As of now, I don't see any danger" Doctor said and smiled at us...
-"Oh.. um. I have a one year old son. Can I pick him up?" I asked nervous...
-"Well of course. It's a oneyearold. But if you could keep it a little bit down low. Maybe get some help. At least these 2 more months. You will be 4 months pregnant by then. Start walking with him. Finde some alternatives. Abviously you will pick him up, but if possible maybe not that often" she said...
-"Ok. Thanks. We just really need this to go as it should" I said and started to cry...
-"It will. If you feel that something is wrong come in. Everything is fine. You are 8 weeks pregnant. This looks good" she took my hand...
-"Thank you!" I said.

We went to car. Josh opened door for me. I sat in. Few seconds later so did he. I looked up. I prayed. Then... I felt Josh's arm on my belly.

-"Hi baby. It's dady here" he said and giggled...
-"I don't think he can hear you right now" I looked up at Josh and kissed him...

Few hours later:

We got home. We got Eliot. Ate dinner and put him down for night. I walked to couch, where Josh was allready sitting. I sat next to him...

-"We will have to move" I say...
-"I know" He answered...
-"And what aboit wedding. It's month away!" I say nervous...
-"Maya. Everything is gonna be ok. You will look cute in a wedding dress with a little bump" he loughed...
-"Thank you" I smiled...
-"When are we telling our familys?" He asked and left me speachless...
-"I don't know. I don't want to get everybodys hopes up. What if somethinf goes wrong?" I ask nervous...
-"It woun't" he assures me...
-"But do you remember how our parents and friends reacted when they found out. Ypur mom was devasteted. My mom was too. I was... I wasn't me" Tears start to fill the back of my eyes...
-"Maya look at me. Everything is gonna be ok. The baby is fine. It's gonna be fine. You can do this.  Plus you woun't be able to keep it a seacrer for a long time. You will dtart showing" He says and kisses my head...
-"I know. I just... I don't want to let everyone down"
-"You woun't I promisse. We will tell your parents tomorrow. Then we will drive to Philly on weekend and tell my parents. After that we tell our frie ds and rest of the family"  he says and smiles...
-"I love you" he whispers...
-"I know. I love you too" I say back...
-"I know" we bouth giggle...

struggling JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now