Chapter 17: Plan in Action

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Jamie paced back and forth nervously, rubbing her arms like she always did, as she waited for Brooke. She got the text where to meet her, which was behind the theater. She really hoped that this plan would work.

"I see you came," Brooke smirked, making Jamie turn around, then Brooke said, "Bet you didn't know it was me."

"Oh I knew. Who else has emphasized my name?" Jamie pointed out.

Brooke got mad at herself as she scolded, "Dang it!"

"You should have thought that out. Now give me what I want!" Jamie demanded.

"Not so fast. I need to know if you did what I wanted," Brooke stated.

"Fine," Jamie groaned, tossed her a video camera, and added, "Courtney got all it on camera too."

Brooke watched the whole footage of the breakup. Johnny and Jamie were fighting until finally he ended their relationship and left the room. Jamie cried in a corner until there was laughter on the other side of the camera and Jamie demanded it out of her face. Brooke smirked as she looked back at Jamie.

(A/N You guys can imagine what happens since I didn't want to type out the breakup.)

"So Johnny broke up with you?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah. You must love it so much," Jamie snapped.

"I do now that Johnny's come to his senses," Brooke said.

"Whatever. Just give me the money," Jamie commanded.

"Fine," Brooke remarked and tossed her the bag.

Jamie caught it then looked in it. Luckily, all the money was there.

"How does it feel to do a great job?" Brooke asked.

"It feels like I lost the love of my life, but I can make it up to him," Jamie answered.

"Not unless I get Johnny for myself," Brooke snapped.

"We'll see," Jamie growled.

Brooke huffed and left. When she was out of sight, Jamie walked back into the theatre with a smile on her face. She went into the office where Ash and Buster were waiting.

"Did it work?" Ash asked.

Jamie showed the money to them and said, "That video editing really paid off. Thanks Ash."

"No problem," Ash smiled.

"But what are you going to do if Brooke finds out you guys didn't break up?" Buster asked.

"I'll tell him what happened without mentioning the surprise. Plus, if someone could be with them when they practice, that would be great. We just can't leave them alone together," Jamie explained.

"Agreed. We'll make sure of that," Buster assured then said, "By the way, I really am sorry that I let this continue. If I had known how bad they were, I wouldn't have agreed to it."

"Only two of them are mean, but don't blame yourself. It's fine," Jamie assured.

Both Ash and Jamie left the theater, smiling their handiwork paid off.

When Jamie got home, she locked the money away so it wouldn't be stolen again. Then she went to Johnny's to let him know.


A/N Jamie got the money back and Brooke thinks she and Johnny broke up. Let's hope nothing else like that happens.

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