Chapter 12: Girl Talk

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Jamie got done with rehearsals with Johnny, so she went into the theater to see Rosita, Meena, and Ash talking. She walked over to them and sat next to Rosita.

"Hey guys," she greeted.

"Hey. How are rehearsals?" Ash asked.

"With Brooke, horrible. But Johnny saved me and we started rehearsals with a song that's great, but we're also doing similar things that were in the video," Jamie explained.

"Like what?" Meena asked.

"It involves my fear of heights," Jamie answered.

"Oh. You think you can handle it?" Rosita wondered.

"Well I mean, the guy already saved my life once and I trust him without hesitation. We already practiced the song for a while and we'll practice on the stage with everything when he thinks I'm ready," Jamie said.

"Sounds like a huge hit already. But what about his duet with Brooke?" Ash asked.

"He told me that from what he's heard that I would win, even if we weren't dating or if we never met. So it wasn't just because of me being his girlfriend. But he has said that part of the reason is because of what she said about me," Jamie explained, earning nods from the girls, then asked, "What about you guys?"

"Well, our partners eased up on Gunter and I. Cheyenne and Steve actually told us that Courtney and Brooke are the only mean ones. The others were just forced to be mean to us," Rosita explained.

"Really?" Jamie asked.

"And Mike got paired up with one so they should be best friends," Ash commented.

"But Jamie is too. You must be miserable," Meena told her.

"To sing a duet with Johnny makes it worth it though," Jamie pointed out.

"I swear I can't get over how cute you two are and it's been a year," Rosita chuckled.

They all returned it.

"By the way, Johnny and I are going out tonight. Do you think you could get Gunter to babysit?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, sure," Rosita nodded.

"Thanks," Jamie smiled.

She got up and walked over to the rehearsal room where Johnny was.


A/N So Courtney and Brooke are the only mean ones in the competition. Crazy.

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