Chapter 8: Talking to the Others

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Jamie walked into the theater, nervous about talking to the others. She didn't know if all of them were going through what she was. She only knew that she and Meena were. Not too long after that, Rosita, Gunter, and Meena came in.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey," Gunter said.

"Hi," Meena returned.

"Can we all meet up in the dance room?" Jamie asked, pointing to Gunter's and Rosita's rehearsal room.

"Yeah, sure," Rosita agreed while the others nodded.

They went in and not long after that, Johnny, Ash, and Mike came in as well. Once they were inside, Jamie shut the door and looked at all of them. Johnny gave her a reassuring nod and she took a deep breath.

"I asked to talk to you guys about the new group," Jamie said.

Everyone's went wide except Johnny and Meena.

"Has anyone here had trouble with their partner?" Jamie continued.

Everyone raised their hand except Johnny since he didn't know until Jamie told him the night before.

"Mine said that the song I wrote sounded like a child wrote it," Ash admitted.

"Mine said he doesn't think I can really perform," Meena told them.

"We were told we couldn't dance," Rosita answered for her and Gunter.

"I have no problem with mine, but the others think I'm selfish and conceited. Can you believe that?" Mike protested.

No one answered to that.

"What about you, Jamie?" Ash asked.

"Well, apparently my partner just doesn't like me. She also told me that her group and she were going to destroy us in the competition, she would steal Johnny from me, she was prettier than me, and that I couldn't sing," Jamie explained.

Everyone was taken back by this, even Mike. Johnny was still upset that Brooke made Jamie think that he only wanted to be with her because she wasn't pretty enough for Johnny. He meant it when he said that he would still want to be with her and that she was pretty in his eyes.

"We need to talk to Mr. Moon about this," Rosita said.

"Yeah. There is no way he'll let this continue if he knew the truth," Ash agreed.

They all nodded and went to Buster's office. He was working more on the show when he noticed them and smiled.

"Ah, just the people I wanted to see. Come on in," Buster ushered them in.

They all came in and sat down.

"I think this is going to be the best show ever. The new cast has told me they like all of you and they can't wait," Buster told them.

"What? They told you that?" Jamie asked, confused.

"Yes they did. They said that you guys are the most talented group they've heard and they have hope this will be a friendly competition," Buster told them.

The others looked at each other in shock. Buster was fooled into thinking that everything was going well. What could they do then?

"That's...great," Meena said.

"Yeah," Ash strained as Jamie nodded.

"So what did you want to see me about?" Buster asked.

No one knew what to say next. If they told him the truth, it'll ruin Buster's show. They didn't want to do that to him. They all looked at each other and nodded.

"We wanted to tell you that everything's going great," Jamie lied.

"Great! Now can I speak to Jamie alone real quick?" Buster requested.

They all nodded and Johnny kissed Jamie's cheek in reassurance before they all left, making her smile.


A/N Well, Buster has been blindsided and they don't want to ruin his show. This is just great. (Note the sarcasm.)

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