Chapter 11: Rehearsals

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Jamie and Brooke were doing rehearsals, which were horrible. As they were practicing, Brooke would tell her she was doing things wrong when really Brooke was the one doing things wrong. They went at a fifth time when she stopped it again.

"No! No! No! That is wrong again! Why can't you do anything right?" Brooke scolded.

"I'm sure it's the other way around," Jamie said.

"Excuse me?" Brooke snapped.

"You heard me," Jamie stated.

Before Brooke could slap her, there was a knock on the door. Jamie answered it to see Johnny.

"Hey, Beautiful," he greeted.

"Hey, Handsome," she returned.

They kissed, making Brooke roll her eyes. But when they parted, she straightened up and forced a smile.

"By the way, Brooke, Courtney needed to talk with you," Johnny told her.

"Okay," Brooke said then left.

As soon as she did, Johnny shut the door and locked it.

"Thank you! She's been on my case the whole time," Jamie told him.

"Well, we got time to ourselves and it's even better that Courtney doesn't really need her," Johnny said.

Jamie giggled, wrapped her arms around his neck while he put his around her waist, and she replied, "I love you."

"I love you too," he responded.

They kissed for a minute then just let their foreheads rest on each other.

"By the way, I have an idea for our duet," Johnny told her.

"What is it?" she wondered.

"Let me show you," he urged.

They went to the computer and showed her the video. The whole time Jamie was smiling. When it ended, she nodded and smiled in approval.

"I love it," she said.

"Well, I'm glad you do. Because I talked to Mr. Moon about us doing the stunts similar to what's going on in the video," he explained.

That's when Jamie's eyes went extremely wide, making Johnny chuckle.

"Don't worry. It's perfectly safe," Johnny assured.

"Well, I guess it's a bad time to tell you about my fear of heights," Jamie told him.

"We're going to support each other and all you have to do is sing and keep your eyes on mine. I promise you'll be fine," he promised.

"And I'm guessing that you've done very little rehearsal with Brooke on your duet with her," she guessed.

"Yeah. And it's not just because of what she said, even though that's part of it. I've heard your rehearsals and even if we weren't dating or if we never met, I can tell you would win," Johnny explained.

"Aww. Thanks," Jamie responded and hugged his neck.

"You're welcome," he said, kissing her arm.

"By the way, what song does she have for you two?" she wondered.

"She wants to do 'As Long As You Love Me' sung by Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande," Johnny told her.

"That's a good song, but I don't recommend you singing it with her," Jamie responded.

"I totally agree. So you wanna practice?" he offered.

"Let's do it," she smiled.

That's when they got right to work.


A/N Johnny saved Jamie from being tortured by Brooke for the day. Now what?

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