Chapter 13: Gunter Babysits

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Later that night at Rosita's place, the doorbell rang. Rosita answered the door to see Gunter.

"Yo yo yo!" he greeted.

Rosita covered his mouth and said, "Shh! I just put the kids to bed."

"Gunter, it's so great you agreed to help us, buddy. With Jamie and Johnny out, it helps to know we have another sitter," Norman told him.

"I insisted to Rosita. I'm known as like totally the world's best babysitter. Well, tied with Jamie," Gunter replied.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Rosita asked.

"This will be as easy as doosleberry pie. I will prove it to you, okay? Trust Gunter," Gunter assured as he lead her out then shut the door.

"I'm having second thoughts. Maybe I should call Jamie," Rosita admitted through the mail slot.

"No no, let the lovebirds have their night. Now go go. It will be totally fine," Gunter said then closed the mail slot.

He walked into the kitchen and accidentally stepped on one of the toys. He shushed it then his phone rang. He got it out of his pocket, almost dropping it, then answered it.

"I forgot to say we'll be home by nine. Jamie should be as well. If there's any problem at all, just call me or Jamie," Rosita said.

"Yeah yeah. Now good bye," Gunter whispered then hung up and sighed in relief.

"Where's Mommy?" a voice asked, which startled Gunter.

"Hello, tiny piglet," Gunter greeted nervously.

The little pig went to the counter and stood on it as he opened the cabinet with a large jar of candy.

"Can I have some candy?" he asked.

"No no no. You must go back to sleeping, okay?" Gunter said.

"Pretty please?" the little one pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

Gunter smiled and decided, "Okay okay. I give you one piece then the bedtime."

He got the jar of candy and attempted to open it. But when he did, he accidentally spilt it. As he picked the mess up, he looked up to see the other 24 piglets eyeballing him. Then they all leapt on the ground.

"No please!" Gunter begged.

But it was hopeless when they started eating and were on sugar rushes.

"No, it's time for the sleeping," Gunter remarked.

But when he saw three of them swinging on the ceiling fan, he knew he needed help.


A/N Well Gunter, you got your hands full, don't you?

P.S. I only own dialogue not in the short.

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