Chapter 1: A Year Sure Has Flown By

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Buster Moon was working on his next show that involved the whole cast from his last show. He even came up with lists for each group or soloist. He smiled at his work when Miss Crawly and Eddie came in.

"Good morning, Mr. Moon," she greeted.

"Yes it is, Miss Crawly. Hey Eddie," he returned.

"Sup. So how's the next show going?" Eddie asked.

"Great. This is going to be even better than the last one. I can feel it. I just need to run it by Nana and the others," Buster answered.

"A year has definitely gone by too quickly," Miss Crawly commented.

"Yes it has. It still feels like it was only yesterday when they performed and saved my theater," Buster sighed.

"Well, this show will do amazing. I know that for sure," Miss Crawly smiled.

"Let's hope so," Eddie commented.

"She's right, Eddie. Now let's talk to Nana and hope for the best," he informed.

Miss Crawly went to her office as Buster got his phone and dialed Nana's number.

Nana was sipping her tea when her phone rang. She put her cup down and answered it.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Nana! It's Buster Moon. How have you been?" Buster replied.

"Ah, Mr. Moon. Good to hear from you. I've been doing well," Nana said.

"That's great. I'm calling because I have another amazing idea for our next show and I wanted to run it by you personally," Buster explained.

"Well, I would love to hear it. Tell me," Nana remarked.

He told her every detail of the show that he had in mind and Nana smiled through the whole thing. This was so good that it had to do better than the first show.

"So what do you think?" Buster asked when he finished.

"I love it! Have you talked to the original cast about this?" Nana wondered.

"Not yet. I wanted to talk to you first and see if you liked the idea," he answered.

"Well, let them know and get started right away," she told him.

"Will do. Thank you so much," Buster thanked.

"You're very welcome," Nana responded then hung up.

"You sure about this, Buster?" Eddie asked.

"Yes I am," Buster answered then started to call the original cast.


A/N So Nana likes Buster's idea, but what was it?

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