Chapter 29

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I called Bruce and asked him to book us a flight as soon As possible. He did and we made it . Every bit of turbulence was worse than anything I'd ever faced.
Apparently a story erupted about Bruce Wayne's ward being kidnaped and held for ransom. When the kidnaper (ares) had his gun stolen by Perseus Jackson and a gun fight broke out.
Reporters tried to get comments from us but Annabeth led them away in her hat.
We hurried and made our way to the Empire State Building.
"Six hundredth floor" I said
"No such thing kid" the man answered
I opened my bag to show him the bolt.
"Go on up godling" the elevator opened and we walked In.

When we made it Annabeth and Grover hung back.
"You go we'll meet you at the bottom" Grover said
I followed a path to what I assumed to be the meeting place of the council. The throne room.
Two gods were in there. Zeus lord of the sky. And next to him my father, Poseidon, lord of the sea.
I walked shakily and knelt at his feet.
"Father" I said quietly
"I'm the lord here" Zeus said
"It's only right he defers to his father" Poseidon said "look at me Perseus"
I did. His face was unreadable. Not happy nor sad not mad just there. "Address lord Zeus"
I turned to Zeus and told him the story I took out the metal cylinder holding the bolt. Zeus opened his palm and the bolt flew into it.
"Your telling the truth but ares wouldn't do that" Zeus said thoughtfully
"Lord" I said "ares didn't act alone something came up with the idea. Something in the pit."
They whispered in Ancient Greek and caught the word father.
"You've done a good service boy" Zeus said as he got up "to show my thanks I won't kill you."
Thunder boomed and Zeus disappeared.
"He has always had a flair for dramatic exits." Poseidon said
"Kronos is coming back isn't he" I said
"I fear so"
"No more talk of Kronos" Poseidon said. "You must return to camp"
"Yes father" I said
"Remember Percy" he called "you are a true son of the sea god."

I made my way to camp Annabeth and Grover left before I got back. When I got back everyone was begging for details.
We went to burn our burial shrouds our cabins made for us. Mine was made by the ares cabin so that made it fun to burn.
I adjusted back to life on halfblood hill. I would train with my sword and all my gadgets.
Grover had to go on the Fourth of July. We said good bye and he was off.

On the last night I got my first bead on my necklace. I felt happy and sad that i made friends but I would be leaving them.
The next morning I packed my things and went to the arena to get some practice in. Luke had the same idea because he was there to.
"Hey Percy"
I looked at his sword it was different one half was bronze the other was steel.
"Oh this is backbiter"
"Backbiter?" I asked
"One side is celestial bronze the other is steel." He said "it will work on mortals and immortals."
"Let's go to the woods and find something to fight" he said
I got an uneasy feeling. But I swallowed it down.
We didn't find anything but we sat in the shade of a tree.
"I miss questing" he sounded bitter "I don't want to end up like one of those dusty trophies in the attic"
"You sound like your leaving"
"I brought you here to say goodbye" he said.
He snapped his fingers and a scorpion crawled out of the ground.
I went to reach for the pen.
"I wouldn't" luke said "they can jump fifteen feet in the air. You'd be dead a minute after it stings you"
Something dawned on me
You'll be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.
"Were just pawns to the gods Percy we could be so much more" he said
"Kronos won't be any different" i said
The scorpion crawled onto my leg.
"Good bye Percy" he said
He disappeared and the scorpion lunged.
I saw nymphs come out and then I lost all senses.

Blue robin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now