Chapter 25

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"Your not dead" ares said
"You knew it was a trap!" I yelled
"I would've payed to see the look on fire boys face" he laughed
"Where's our ride" I asked angrily
"There" he pointed to a truck it looked like a moving van. "I also put this together." He held up a backpack
"We don't want your-"
Annabeth cut me off
"Thank you lord ares."
"Next time we meet punk" he said "it won't be so friendly"
We walked to the truck and got in.
A lion was in a cage his fur was matted and he looked starved. In his cage sat a few turnips.
On the other side was a zebra and an antelope. In there cage sat a tray of ground beef.
"This can't be legal" Annabeth said
"It's awful" Grover looked on the verge of tears.
I used Riptide to get the turnips out from the lions cage and gave them to the zebra and antelope I gave the meat to the lion.
"Let's try to get some sleep." I said
Grover rolled over and his snores soon echoed through the trucks I closed my eyes and relaxed.
Crates surrounded me I was in the warehouse a man stood over me crowbar in hand.
'You'll fail to save what matters most in the end' Harvey dent laughed
Soon ares joined in hitting me.
'You'll be betrayed by the one you call friend.'
Their laughs soon turned into one. A low dark powerful laugh.
'Join me hero' it said 'ignore this quest it will only bring more problems.'
'No' I yelled
'You've sealed your fate' it laughed again
"Percy" someone shook me "are you okay?"
"No!" I yelled and I bolted up
"Calm down" they said "its just me"
Her gray eyes looked at me worriedly.
"It was just a dream I'm fine" I said
"Are you sure?" She asked "demigod dreams can be real or even tell truths."
"That makes me feel better" I said sarcastically
"Just don't hesitate to tell me anything" she frowned
"Can I ask you something?" I asked
"Sure" she said "if you'll answer my question"
"Okay" I said "what's the deal with you and your dad?"
"Well he married someone and I ran away." She looked sad. "I've tried to go back and live with him again but monsters come and that leads to arguments and me going back to camp."
"Wow I'm sorry" i said "hey if you ever want to get away from camp and have nowhere to go we have plenty of extra rooms in the manor."
I blurted out without thinking.
"Thanks" she smiled
"So what was your question?" I asked
"How is it living with one of the richest men in the country ?" She asked
"Well at first it was a hard change. He was secluded and quiet. Then Dick talked to him and he realized I needed a father figure." I said "what are you thinking about running away to a billionaire's mansion?"
"Not a chance" she said
"Night wise girl" I yawned
"Sleep tight seaweed brain." She said

We were all awake when the truck stopped.
Please lord free us! Something said in my head.
'What the?'
Please lord!
The zebra!
"Guys we should free them" Grover said
"In the middle of Vegas?" Annabeth asked
"I could give them a blessing to get them to the wild safely!" Grover said
"Let them out." I said
I broke off the locks and we opened the doors and jumped out.

Blue robin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now