Chapter 5

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Six months later

It was hard at first. Dick would make me do endurance exercises, flips, and cartwheels. Bruce made me do hand hand combat and throwing knifes. He also trained me with the poles. Those were my favorite.
The worst part of it was the detective work.
"Nice time Percy" Dick said every week I rand the obstacle course and I think I was getting good. "Five point three."
"Yes" I whooped
"You have a long way to go my fastest time was two point zero five." Dick said
"Two minutes five seconds?" I asked in disbelief
"Yeah" he said "but that was after at least a year."
Speaking of a year. It had been a year since I went to live with Bruce. It was my birthday.
"I almost forgot" Dick said "happy birthday"
He held out a package. It didn't feel heavy. I ripped it opened. Inside was a black hoodie. It had the robin logo on it.
"Will this give you and Bruce away" I asked
"Na they already sell stuff like this in stores you'll be fine" he said
I pulled it on over my head.
"I also got you this" he said pulling a ring from his pocket. It was a simple black band with a crest on it. "I did some digging and this is what I found. In Viking times all soldiers had crests made for there first sons. I found one that was Jackson."
I put it on.
"Thanks Dick" I said I hugged him
"If you ever need help. Or you just don't want to stay at school tap the inside of it it will send a signal and you can send a message." He said
"Let's get dinner" I said
We emerged from the cave an entered the dinning room. Alfred had food set out.
"Happy birthday Master Perseus" he said
"Thanks Alfie" I said
I sat at my usual spot at the table.
"Where's Bruce" I asked
"He's busy?" Dick asked
"Master Bruce can't join us tonight" Alfred said
We ate and I went to my room. I was laying on my bed and I must've fallen asleep because next thing I know Dick was shaking me.
"Bruce wants you in the cave" he said
"Mkay" I said
I rubbed my eyes and followed Dick to the batcave.
Bruce glanced up he was in his suit.
"Suit up Percy" he said and he tossed a package at me.
In it was a red shirt that would be easy to move in but not get in my way. And green leggings. Instead of a black cape with a hood it was blue.
"Thanks" I said and I changed into it eagerly.
"Let's go on patrol" Bruce said after I changed. "Happy birthday"

Blue robin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now