Chapter 15

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We made our way to the most normal looking cabin. Inside was cramped sleeping bags all over the floor. I saw my bag and ran over praying no one looked in it. Every thing seemed to be there. I found a lock in my utility belt so I locked it around the zippers.
"Percy meet cabin eleven" Annabeth said
"Regular or undetermined" someone yelled
I looked to Annabeth
Groans erupted.
"Come on now" someone said "everyone is welcome"
The speaker was tall and muscular with sandy blonde hair. He had a scar running from his eyes to his jaw across his lip. Like my dream.
"This is Luke" she said "he'll be your counselor for now"
"For now"
"Your undetermined" luke said "you'll stay with us until your determined"
"How long will that take?" I asked
People laughed
"Come on percy" Annabeth pulled me out the door

"Do better than that" she said
"What?" I demanded
She sad nothing.
"I'm going home" I said
"Where?" She asked "back to Gotham? Where you'd put Mr Wayne in danger?"
"He can handle himself"
"Really now" she said "against something like the Minotaur you fought?"
"So this is the new kid" a husky voice said
I turned to face three huge girls.
"Percy meet Clarisse" Annabeth said "daughter of ares."
"So your dad's the war god?" I said "that explains the smell"
I wrinkled my nose and I could have sworn annabeth smiled.
"I'll pulverize you runt" she said
To call me a runt that was a stretch sure I wasn't that big compared to her but after two years with Bruce I had gotten a lot bigger and stronger.
Clarisse jumped at me and I side stepped. Into one of the other girls and she grabbed me. Clarisse came over and held my arms to my side and one of the others grabbed my legs.
"I think you need a shower" Clarisse said
They started dragging me towards a cinderblock building. The bathroom. Suddenly I was on the ground in front of a toilet. My head was being forced down slowly I tried to stop it. I heard a rumble and felt her grip loosen. The water exploded sinks toilets showers. I stood in it all without a drop of water touching me.
Clarisse stumbled out drenched.
"You'll pay punk"
"I'm sure I will" I said sarcastically

We made our way to the pavilion. Smells of food wafted from tables. We sat me on the edge. Our table was packed it was the most full.
"Hello campers"
Every one got quiet.
"We would like to welcome a new camper" Mr D said "peter Johnson"
Chiron got up and whispered something. Instead of being in a wheelchair and having legs. His bottom half was a horse.
"Aww yes Percy Jackson"
"Lets eat" someone yelled
All the campers got up and put part of there dinner into the fire.
"The gods like the smell" luke said
I walked over to the fire.
"Who ever you are" I whispered "please tell me."

Blue robin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now