Chapter 2

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It had been nearly six months since I went to live with Bruce. He always left right after dinner. Into his study. I reached into my pocket the key was still there. I glanced around. No one else was there. I saw Bruce a few days ago disappear into the clock so I found a key that looked like it would fit. I twisted the key and the glass swung open. I didn't see any doors or anything like that. I was about to turn around when I noticed a light coming from a hole in the gears. I stuck my finger through and pushed a button.
"Welcome Perseus Jackson" a voice said
Suddenly the floor dropped from under me. I fell pushing my hands and feet into the walls trying to stop.  It didn't work. I saw the floor rushing up to meet me. I bounced up. And rolled into a cave. Bikes were all around a few cars on one wall hung weapons on the wall to my left was a giant computer. I walked over to it.
"Welcome Perseus Jackson" it said
"Wow" I muttered
Did my uncle really have a secret high tech bunker under his mansion?
I heard a rustle behind me and I flipped around. A figure stood there. He was tall and wore all black with a symbol on his chest that looked like a bat. The suit was armored heavily and a belt was slung across his waist that was filled with weapons and gadgets. The man wore a cowl that covered most his face and pointed up above his head like a bat. The Batman.
"Hi Bruce" I said
It was pretty obvious. Who else would be under the manor dressed like a bat.
"Hello Percy" my uncle sighed and he pulled off the cowl off his head.
"So your batman" I asked jumping up and down.
"Yes" he said
"THE batman" I said " My uncle is batman, my uncles batman."
"Yes your uncle is batman" He sighed
"Where's robin" I asked "I want to meet him"
"Well I don't have robin right now" he said "Dick grew out of it and Is nightwing now. And Jason..."
His eyes darkened as if he was remembering something.
"I could be robin" I said
"No" he said quickly "you're to young"
"Am not" I said "I'm almost eleven"
"I'd have to train you" Bruce sat down at the computer "Dick already had the acrobats down"
"I all ready know how to fight" I said with confidence
"Tell you what" he said "I want you to stay safe your all I have left of my sister. But if you can beat me in a fight I'll teach you how to defend yourself."
"So I'm Rob-"
"You aren't Robin" He growled
"Okay" I shrugged i could beat him
He walked me to a pad and tossed me a metal bar.
"Alright Percy" He said "Hit me"
"But you don't have anything" I pointed to his empty hands.
"I know" He said "Try hitting me"
"I'll hurt-"
"You won't hurt me"
"Okay" I said unconvinced but I swung at his chest.
He used the side of his arm to knock it away.
"C'mon!" He shouted
I swung again the same way I would swing at a baseball. Bruce stepped backwards and the momentum of my swing made me stumble. He gently pushed my shoulder and sent me toppling to the ground with a grunt.
"That's not how you do it" he said "like this" He showed me a couple swings. "Spread your feet out and bend your knees a little. You're too tense and have no balance. It makes you an easy target to knock down."
I adjusted my feet so they were just a little wider than my shoulders and bent my knees a little.
"Stay in your toes" Bruce told me "Good now take a swing"
I swung again but he easily blocked it.
"Try again" He called
All my swings were blocked or dodged easily and I didn't hit him. But I did get pretty close.

Blue robin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now