Chapter 1

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The cop's came and had to drag me away from her.
"Mom!" I yelled
"It's okay buddy" the man said he was dressed in a blue police uniform. He was short and pretty chubby but no where near as chubby as Smelly Gabe "what's your name"
"Perseus Jackson" I mumbled
"Do you have a dad" he asked
"No" I said
Tears stained my face. And they didn't stop.
"How old are you" he asked
"Ten it's my birthday today " I said
"Well you're getting big"
"Where's my mom" I asked
"She's in another car" he said "can you tell me what happened"
"A man came and he had a gun and" I stopped 'i just want mom back' I thought I started crying again.

The officers knocked on the door to our apartment. Smelly Gabe opened the door.
"Could we come in" the cop asked, he told me his name was Officer Bennett (He was the short one) His partner, Officer Cooley was the exact opposite of the short pale man. He was tall and lean with skin the color of milk chocolate.
"Sure"Gabe grunted
They told him everything that happened I started crying again.
"Perseus needs a home." Bennett said
"Well he won't have a home with me"Gabe grunted "I have enough problems because of Sally and this punk as it is"
"Is his biological dad still alive" Cooley asked
"No idea spent one week with her and left"
"At least he didn't hurt her!" I yelled jumping at him. Officer Cooley easily pulled me back.
"Does he have any other relatives"
"I don't know" Gabe said "as far as I'm concerned he's not my kid and none of my business"
"Come on Percy" Cooley said
We walked out the door
"I never wanted to stay with him anyway" I grumbled "he hurt me and mom"
Bennett didn't seem to care
"We'll find someplace for you to stay."
"He hit you?" Cooley asked
All I could do was nod.

Phones rang and on every conversation I heard Perseus. Finally Cooley and Bennet came over.
"Percy your going to stay with your uncle" Cooley said
"What uncle" I asked
"Your mom's brother" he answered "Bruce Wayne"
"My mom doesn't have a brother" I said automatically
"We did some research and when she was young, only five her, and she was taken in and adopted by the Jackson's"
"Mom never told me that" I mumbled "She can't have a brother. Why didn't they take him too?"
Cooley was about to answer, but he was cut off by whispers around the dimly lit police station.
"Here he comes" one of the men whispered
The door opened in front of me and a tall, black haired man entered. He was wearing sunglasses and a suit and tie as if he were about to go to a funeral. Everything about him was dark until he took off his sun glasses. Bright blue eyes stared back at me and although they were the color of ice I recognized a sharpness to them. As if he knew exactly what I was thinking and why. And as much as I hated to admit it, I could see the resemblance to my mom.
"Hello Mr Wayne" a woman greeted
"Hello" He greeted his voice was deep but not scary "is this Perseus" He took my appearance in. With my dirty clothes I had worn since last night, my unruly hair, I probably looked homeless...and I guessed technically had been for the past twenty-four hours.
"Percy" I corrected
"All right Percy" He said a small smile played his lips he put his hand on my shoulder and as he steered me outside whispered "I know everything seems blurry and hurts now. It'll get better, I promise. I'm just here to help you"
I said nothing.
I was ushered out and into a long black car.
"That was quick" a man with white hair said in a British accent. He also wore a suit like Bruce Wayne but he looked much more welcoming
"Yeah Alfred" Bruce said "this is Percy"
"Hello master Perseus" Alfred said
I just stared all around. We were in a real life limousine. The interior, like everything else Bruce seemed to own was black.
We were silent for the car ride it took forever to get to Gotham city. Though looking back it was probably something like thirty minutes.
"I probably should prepare you for this" Bruce sighed "Percy there are going to be reports outside. Just stay close and we'll get to my office quickly."
The doors opened and people were crowded all around. Flashes of light came from cameras. Reporters crowded around.
"Mr Wayne" reporters yelled trying to get a comment. Bruce just pushed past them and led me into a skyscraper covered in windows. On the front was a large sign that I made out to read: Wayne Enterprises.
"Alfred why couldn't we just go home" Bruce asked once we were in the safety of the elevator.
"I thought it would be better to show master Perseus some of the city" Alfred said "What better place to start than Wayne Enterprises?"
Bruce sighed as the Elevator dinged and the doors opened into a huge room. The back wall was lined with windows and once Bruce switched the lights on I could see the other walls were various shades of black and gray with paintings and photographs. I circled the room taking everything in.
"This is my office" Bruce said "Help yourself to anything on that table"
He pointed to a table in the corner covered with candies, sodas, bottled water, ect. I didn't go for it though. I didn't feel like eating
"Pardon my Master Bruce," Alfred said "What are you doing?"
Bruce had sat down behind the desk and computer in a high backed, black leather chair.
"I have some work I need to get done" He answered
"Perhaps Master Perseus would like to get some food?" Alfred said
"We can pick some up on the way home" Bruce said
"Percy" I corrected Alfred "And I'm not hungry"
Alfred frowned and walked around the desk to see what Bruce was doing, I heard him whisper "Master Bruce, remember how Richard took it? You should try more"
"I'm trying Alfred" Bruce put his head in his hands "But between the breakout and running the business-"
"What breakout?" I asked
approaching the desk.
"Nothing" Bruce said "There was a prison breakout a few days ago and I help fund the prison/hospital it was from. Arkham Asylum. There's a lot on my plate right now"
"Oh" I looked down and scuffed the ground with my toe "I'm sorry"
"For what?" Bruce asked looking up at me
"Percy" Bruce stood and raised his hand. I flinched back and both Alfred and Bruce took notice. Bruce let his hand fall back to his side "You're not causing any problems. I'm the one who should be sorry, my work keeps my busy so I might not always be around. But you aren't an inconvenience"
"Okay" I mumbled
"C'mon let's go get you cleaned up"

We drove up the long driveway to the house, if you could call it that. It was huge! The size of like a million football fields.
"Wayne Manor" Bruce said "My family has lived here for years"
The entry way was brightly lit with a chandelier that made the floors shine. Dark red drapes covered the windows and painting lined the walls. Off to my left was a music room with a piano and a guitar up against the far wall. To the right seemed to be a living room that had a couch and flatscreen TV. Up ahead was a huge marble staircase that was shining as well.
"I have some business to take care of" Bruce said "Alfred could you show Percy his room?"
Without waiting for a response Bruce disappeared up the stairs into the dark.
"Right this way Master Perseus" Alfred said guiding me up the stairs and down the opposite hall that Bruce went. "For now I'll let you get settled and bring up some food later"
"I'm not hungry" I said
"Well I'll bring it in case you change your mind" He continued "Tomorrow I'll give you a tour. Here's your room"
He opened the oak wood door and I gasped. The room was the size of my apartment back in Manhattan, with a huge four-poster bed and nightstands and lamps on either side. A dresser that was the same wood as the door stood in the corner next to a door that I guessed was a closet. Another door was in the room and it was open so I could see a white modern style bathroom. Most the room and the manor I realized were the opposite of Bruce and instead of black it was white.
"Whoa!" I said "This's huge!"
"There are some clean clothes in the dresser and I'll bring up your suitcase in a few minutes" Alfred said "If you need anything let me know"
"Thank you" I said as he slipped out and down the hall
"Alfred" I called
"Yes?" His head appeared in the doorway again.
"What how did my mom get separated from the rest of her family?" I asked
"When her parents were killed" he said "She was very young she was adopted but no one took Bruce. He didn't want to leave either."
"But you took Bruce" I said
"I guess so" he said thoughtfully
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Blue robin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now