I wasn't going to be tied down to her forever, no matter how much I wanted her I knew it was a phase which will soon pass. This was exactly like a child being obsessed with a new toy for a few days, then losing interest in it after a day or two and then move on to the next toy. Yes that's exactly how it was like.

I had to probe into this first before approaching her. Alex Flemming was a man of facts, I couldn't confront her without having the upper hand. I first had to find out who those two men she was with the other time are and her relation to them.

Whiskey in one hand, phone in the other I scrolled through my contact list to call my most trusted bodyguard and friend. He was that good, John was an expert in his field. He did his job so well to the extent I didn't need him around me all the time even though he kept a close eye on me. I could wander around freely and at the same time be safe and secured. He was the only one I trusted with my life and only one I could trust with this job. I dialed his number and on the first ring he picked up.

"Yes John, I need you to do some private investigation for me. This has to be done with the outmost discretion."

"When have I ever not done anything with the outmost discretion" he jokingly replied from his end.
John was lucky he was my friend otherwise he would have been fired for talking to me like that.

"Her name is Zana Bert, and I want every information about her, people she associates with, what she has been doing the past six months. Everything John, everything on her."

"And" I cleared my throat before continuing "her medical reports too"

"She must be one special lady. Considering you have never ever asked me to investigate a woman. Well I will get right to it and update you soon" John said before hanging up.

After my conversation with John I scrolled down further through my contacts and contemplated calling her. This wasn't the first time I had thoughts of calling her. I had saved her number all those months back from the business card she left on the table that night. Hell, I still had her business card tucked inside my wallet.
That night sleep eluded me, as I knew it would the following days to come.

Try as much as I could to burry myself with work these past few days I couldn't. I was failing miserably, all I could think about was her. And it wasn't just that, it was the guilt of how I treated her too. I wasn't getting enough rest and I was snapping at everyone and anyone at work. I was a complete wreck.

And my mother just kept calling me each day, even though I ignored all her calls. I knew it was just a matter of time before she came searching for me.

Looking out the window of my office, I begun massaging my temples to ease the headache that was building up. I didn't hear anyone knock or come in till I heard John's voice behind me.

"Woow, you look like a train run you over. Well I have all the information you requested for here" John said as he placed a file on my desk.

"Thank you John" I said to his retreating back.

"Just doing my job, you pay me so no need to thank me. And get some sleep you look like shit" he advised as he left my office.

I gazed at the file on my desk with uncertainty, but made no move to open it. Taking the file from the table, I placed in it in one of my drawers.
I had waited five days to get it, I could wait a few more hours till I got home to read whatever was in it.

The rest of the day passed by with board meetings. By the time I made my way to my penthouse I was spent. Days of sleepless night were finally catching up to me.

I poured myself a glass of drink and headed to my bedroom with the file in hand. These days all I did was drink, as if it was the solution to my dilemma. I tossed it on my bed before heading to the bathroom for a shower, I needed one if I was going to stay awake to go through those files.

After my much needed shower, I pulled on a pair of pajama pants and got into bed.

The moment of truth was finally here. I opened the file and true to John's word every detail I requested for was in here.
Her personal details, her relations, work, hospital records and even more.
Whiles going through the files, I noticed one on a certain Kyle Philips and it caught my attention.
I recognize his picture and knew he was one of the men with her at the restaurant some weeks back.

My attention was now focused on his profile. I felt anger rush through me as I went through his information.
I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I read something about him being gay and saw intimate pictures of him and the other guy from the restaurant, a Ryan Daniels.
Leave it to John to be thorough with a task.

The file on her medical report and history was next. It was now or never. I felt apprehension claw at me as I flipped through her medical records.
Then I saw it, the day she had a pregnancy test taken which was six months ago. I kept on staring at the word positive without blinking.

She had the test taken some few weeks after what happened. The date was clearly started there. So where dates of her doctors appointments and the name of a Doctor Jamil, who I guessed was her doctor.

Now it was certain, all that was left was to hear her confirm it. It wasn't going to be easy to get her to talk to me after everything I had put her through, moreover getting her pregnant by forcing myself on her.

I chuckled to myself as I recalled the day she slapped me. She looked like a puppy barking up at a bird in a tree. She looked cute trying her best to be fearless and brave. It was such a sight to behold.

After much thought on what to do next, I drifted off into sleep with a relaxed conscience. Things were not going to be easy and my life was about to be flipped upside down.

Another chapter completed. Once again thanks to everyone who reads this. Over 100 reads, I'm quite surprised.
Next update will be on Monday. Until then,❤️❤️.

Ohh and the song is by James Bay - Wild love.

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