iwaizumi ➵ every pieces

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calm down, my daughters

it's 1:36 AM and i have to wake up at 4:55 AM for sahoor :') a girl gotta fast

[part 3 of odd]


"I don't have any truth to hide," she quickly say, trying to push him but his grip is stronger and tighter than her.

[Name] hate, hate, despise that look she knows too damn well in his eyes. It's the same look her father give her mother whenever she laugh. She hate seeing that despite of her parents are still together.



"It's [Last Name]-san to you," she spit out. "Let me go!" she yell out, stepping on his feet numerous times by her actions goes down to vain as he is still static, holding her close.

"I still want you the way you are," he say softly, stopping her struggle. "Just let me in, alright?"

He is not one for affectionate but for her, his heart melt and his personality change drastically. His mind is focusing on one thing only and that one thing is for her. He stare at her teary eyes as she avert her gaze away.


Her words are cut off when his surprisingly soft lips shut her mouth from screaming. Slowly, her fists unclench and she put her hands down. Her mind goes blank and her heart pounding like crazy as she put her guard down unconsciously. She just stand there like a statue, not responding to the kiss.

"Now you shut up," he break the kiss, mumbling softly before crashing his lips into her again.


"[Name]-woah! Your lips are swollen," her friends' jaw drop when their friend come back with a messy hair and swollen lips.

"Did you get into a fight?"

"Did someone kiss you? Your lips looks like my brother's girlfriend's after their small session," another friend of hers ask rather straight forward.

Her face turn red and her friends' eyes grows wide.


"[Name], are you watching me practice or what?" another figure appear with his volleyball bag.

"I-I-Iwaizumi-san!" her friends shriek out.

[Name] shake her head. "I want to go home to sleep. I'll text you tomorrow morning," she say and her voice is barely audible.

"What's your relationship with [Name]?" her friend ask demandly.

Iwaizumi shrug, ruffling her hair with a small rare smile. His words next surprise many others.

"A person who is responsible making her feel included and her significant other if she wants to,"


y'all i want to make this better but i can't sleep knowing there are a few people out there wants a part 3


forever young » haikyū!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora