China~~ Sin

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After laying with Jimin you went on a run. You needed to be alone. You had to think about what you've done. Mostly why you didn't feel bad. I mean for you Jaebum was mostly for just sex. Like a friendly stress relieving buddy. But he turned into something more. Then Jimin came along, someone you always were attracted to but never acted on it. He comes along being your hero, your rock and then confesses he love you more than life. Next thing you know your cheating on JB. Now you also have those NCT fucks to deal with. You don't know what to do.

You were running when you phone started to ring. It scared you to see it was Jaebum.

"Get here now." Was all he said before hanging up.

You ran back to the hotel, and up to Jaebum's room. He was sitting on his bed looking somber. Something was bothering him.

"Hey baby." You went up to him kissing his cheek but he pushed you away.

"Don't baby me." He snapped at you clearly angry.

"What's wrong Jaebummy?" You cooed softly. You sat next to him but he just stood up and walked around. Before he came back and got in your face.

"Why was Jimin sneaking out of your room last night?!" He screamed at you, you'd never seen him angry before and it terrified you.

"He...he... he.. he wanted to talk to me." You voice was shaking with nerves.  Jaebum knew you were lying.

"Okay. Why were you sneaking out of his room after the competition?" He asked taking a step back. Your heart broke. He knew and you know it. You could see in his eyes. You stood up.

"What do you want me to say Jaebum?" You asked straight forward. He looked at you a fire in his eyes. He couldn't believe your blant uncaring tone.

"Say it. Tell me your sorry for sleeping with Jimin. Apologize to me and I'll forgive you." He knew you would never.

"I'm sorry, Jaebum. I knew it was wrong. I knew I shouldn't have done it but I still did." You sort of apologized. You went closer to him as he got angrier. He was about to blow his top. You touched his cheek. He threw your hand away.

"Don't touch me Y/N." He warned trying to hold it all in.

"I'm sorry Jaebum. I didn't want to hurt you. It was never my intention." You kissed his cheek. He blew up and shoved you away. Unfortunately you tripped and hit your head on the bed post. He ran over to you scared he hurt you.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I.. didn't mean to push you so hard." He admitted truly sorry. You could see it in his eyes it was an actual accident. But after all the events of today, you were too upset to stay.

"I gotta go." You stood up. You tried to walk but stumbled. Your vision was blurry and you felt weak. Jaebum tried to help you but you were upset.

"Don't touch me!" You yelled at him making him sad. His eyes watered, he knew this was far worse for you than anything he could ever do.

You wobbled your way to the door while holding the walls. He tried to follow you but you pushed him away. He was in tears now from guilt. He had no intention of ever hurting you and felt terrible. You managed to make it to your room unharmed, well more so. You knew all you needed was a shower and some sleep and it would be better. You opened your door and went into your room. You thought the door shut all the way but no such luck. You undressed and got in the shower.

Your POV

I sat on the bottom of the shower, my whole body weak. I felt terrible,  my whole body was wobbly. My head was burned from hitting the wood post luckily there was no bleeding. I closed my eyes cause they hurt. I didn't even hear my door open then shut again. However I did feel someone fling my shower curtain open.
I looked up and saw it was Winwin and Yuta. I knew what that meant. I tried to stand up but they pushed me down. I kicked at them as they tried to drag me out of the bathroom. I screamed as Yuta kicked me in the side. Tears flowed down my face. Yuta and Winwin got a few punches in weakening me be a lot. They threw me on my bed. I kicked at them, screaming while Winwin unbuttoned his pants. Yuta held me down why his bestfriend raped me. I sobbed trying to fight them off. Then before Yuta had a chance Jimin came running in throwing Yuta off of me. I stood up  grabbing a blanket and hiding in the corner of the room sobbing.

Jimin  beat them to a pulp then came up to me.  He held me in his arms while I sobbed. I didn't even notice Jackson was there until I saw him calling the police.

3rd Person POV **While you were being attacked **

Jaebum was sitting on his bed crying. He knew he messed up, cheating could be forgiven but he could never forgive himself for hurting you. Even if it was a complete accident. Jackson at this point walked in seeing his hyung upset.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Jackson asked and Jaebum told him everything. Jackson smacked his hyung being so stupid. He ran after you. He was going down the hall when Jimin stopped him.

"Jackson what's wrong?" Jimin asked his smile miles long.

"Jaebum hurt Y/N and I'm going to check on her. He said when she left she could barely stand let alone walk." Jackson explained and Jimin went dark. He could kill Jaebum.

"Okay I have a room key for her room lets go." Jimin said and they both walked to your room.

As they neared your room they knew something was wrong. The room across the hall was open and your was shut tight. The closer they got they heard screaming. Jimin broke into a run and opened your door. What he saw made him ill. Yuta was standing over your naked body while Winwin held you down. Jimin went in not thinking and pulled Yuta away from you Jackson pulled Winwin and both him and Jimin started to wailing on the two rapists. Once they were unconscious Jackson called the police and Jimin comforted you.

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