Conflict in Tokyo

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I pushed him away disgusted and went back to Jimin. Jimin looked at me confused as I stood behind him.  It probably wasn't to hard to tell I shaken up. Well cause I was shaking. We all did the dances a few more times before I said it looked good. After I did everyone left. I waited until it was just me and Josh. The door shut and I rushed him. I punched him to the floor. He fell on his ass before doing a backwards summer salt into a handstand on his feet. Fucking gymnast ass hat!

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again!" I screamed at him. He looked so amused. Just as he always did when I got upset with him. I could fucking kill him right now. I was so pissed off, but I didn't go near him anymore.

"I swear to god Josh. Never touch me again, I mean it. Next time I won't be so nice." I threatened him and he just walked toward me smiling.

Damn him. I walked backwards unfortunately pinning myself in a corner of the room. I didn't know what to expect. Was going to try to kiss me again. Boob grab, he likes trying that one. He had me pinned. I stared at him not sure what to expect but was prepared to kick ass.

"Josh, let me go." I spoke calmly, really not wanting to fight.
He smiled and leaned in way too close for comfort. He put his soft nasty lips against my neck and layed a kiss down. My skin crawled him touching me now he's kissing my body. This is my nightmare. Yep him with his hands on my body made me sick. I felt like I was going to either die or kill. I closed my eyes as he put a hand on my boob.

"Josh stop it." I warned him again. He smiled like the sick freak he is.

"Why you like it. I know you've missed this too." He grinned so sure, but way off mark.

"I will hurt you if you don't leave." I warned him again but he put his left hand on my inner thigh.

Nope I was done! I headbutted him. He stumbled back and I punched him again. I wanted to keep hurting him until the sick fuck was unconscious. But I left while I had the chance. I grabbed my bag from next to the door and ran.

I ran out of the room until I reached the front door. To my surprise Jimin, and Suga were waiting for me. I looked at them overwhelmed by emotions. I just felt tears start to fall down.

**Time Skip**

Jimin pov

We don't know what happened for sure but I can guess. We decided to take her back to the hotel so she could calm down. She was a complete mess. She was shaking and crying like a child. It was horrible to watch but I didn't leave her side. I really wanted to ask what happened but didn't want to stir the pot. So I just sat on her bed letting her cry into my arms. We called in experts and Shaz came in with Tay. They looked at y/n in my arms and gently pulled her away. She smiled at them before crying again. That was our cue to leave.

Shaz pov

"What happened sweety?" I asked as Tay made tea for y/n. Obviously it was Josh again but what happened is a mystery. Shook her head not wanting to talk about it.

After an hour or so and she'd calm down she spoke up.

Y/n pov

"He cornered me. Forced a kiss on me and grabbed my boobs. I warned him several times. But he put his hand between my legs and up my thigh. I took the liberty to kick his ass." I explained to them.

"I'll kill him. He didn't hit you? Right?" Tay jumped up an down ready to fight. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No of course not. I didn't give him have a chance. I ran out before a real fight could start."  I explaines further. No one looked happy. But I couldn't get over how I cried into Jimin's arms. That is not okay for me. It won't happen again.

****Time Skip** Dinner****

A few of us decided to have dinner together in Jin's room. It was us and the boys really. I sat with Suga and Tay. They didn't want me to be alone. But I did ignore Jimin. He couldn't see me like that. It's not okay.

"So what for dinner?" Namjoonie asked his arms full of take out menus. He let them on the bed around us. Hmm...

"Can we get bbq?" I asked smiled. Namjoon looked apprehensive but then Jimin gave him a look. Namjoon sighed and nodded.

"Yah.. okay bbq it is. No seafood Jin!" He handed him the menu. I got a small ordered a small meal. Once everyone decided what they wanted Jungkook ordered it via phone call.

"Okay they said it will be here in 20 minutes. Let's play games until then." Jungkook smiled evil.

This is going to be weird

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This is going to be weird.

**10 Minutes later****
I've had three shots of saké. I am a little tipsy, ha. Great I talk to much when I get drunk. I decided a drinking game I can't win was dumb. So I quit. Jungkook pouted but get over it.

I sat in a corner waiting for food. And finally it arrived.  I ate in piece before going to bed.

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