China~~ Competition

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It's after the concert and finally I can go sleep. Jaebum was dropping me off at my door. I kissed him goodnight which turned back into a hello. I opened my door as he put his hand up my shirt. We crashed through the door having to sling it shut. I put my hands on the door locking it properly. While doing that JB slipped his hand in my sweats. He kissed my neck while sticking his hand in the front on my underwear. He put his other hand on my breast. A slight moan escaped my lips. He pushed me against the door forcefully. Instinctively I put my hands up and he pulled my shirt off. I pulled his neck toward me and kissed his lips. He bit my lower lip softly...

Amazing stress relieving sex.

Time Skip** The next morning

Last night I sent Jeabum back to his room. I didn't want to cuddle or have a conversation. Today I was able to sleep in until 8am. But I have a dance show me and Jimin have to appear on together. I got dressed quickly. Our stage outfits are at the studio we are performing at.

I wore something simple and cute.

I opened my door and saw thankfully no one was waiting for me

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I opened my door and saw thankfully no one was waiting for me. Maybe today is gonna be better. I went down to Jimin's room. He opened his door smiling like a fool. Was he actually happy to see me? Pft.. like I care.

"So Park, tell me how this stupid dance show works." I said leading him to the elevator.

"Well it's simple they give us a song and we have 2 hours to come up with brand new choreography. Then we preform and are voted to see if we win that episode or not." He explained smiling, he must just be excited about the competition.

"So how many teams are we competing with?" I asked and he smiled brightly.

"Just 6 others, not sure who they are though but we can beat them easily." He sounded so sure of himself.

"Of course we can." I highfived him pumping myself up.

We went downstairs and ate. I got a bagel and some yogurt while he ate a plate of eggs and bacon. After we ate we immediately had to go to the competition. I was totally stoked. I loved these kinds of competitions. Once we got there we all stood on stage. Everyone's makeup was done. They introduced us by team names for some reason my team name was~~ WoJimShi, Seriously Jimin? I only paid attention to our team so I actually have no idea who else is competing. I always did that, every comp.
And of course of all songs we were assigned it had to be Secret Love Song by Little Mix. Are you kidding me?! Another love song with this pabo! Great...

I immediately had the perfect choreography running through my head. It fits the song amazingly. I looked at Jimin who's face went soft. He was looking at me weird, not sure if I like it.

After all songs were introduced we went to practice. Jimin and I walked back to practice.

"Okay now I already have the perfect choreography for this song. And don't read into you pabo." Was all I said before Showing him the choreography.

**Time Skip**

The competition for the day is over. Turns out it's actually two days of shooting. So tomorrow we have to do all over again. But we are in the final three dancers.

"Your a genius Y/N!" Jimin held me in his arms.

"Of course I am." I joked as he spun me around. I laughed at his silliness.

"Okay Park put me down." I demanded and he did.

He looked at me one arm around my waist the other on my cheek. We were so close I felt his heart beating against my chest. My arms around his neck. I looked in his eyes captivated by their beauty. I looked at his whole face. I don't know why, but I suddenly could see it... I could understand why people called him unrealistically handsome. His lips.... I noticed how soft and full they looked. He leaned into me but I pulled away, I couldn't kiss him.

"I'm sorry." He apologized sad, while taking a step away from me. I know we didn't do anything but I felt like we did. I felt we should've, like I wanted to. Why though? He's never nice, not unless he wants me to do something.

"It's okay, um let's go. Jaebum was in the audience today." I reminded him and his face went sour. I don't know what I felt.

I just walked away to find Jaebum. Jimin stayed put for god only knows why. I saw Jaebum talking to some guy so I went up to him. He smiled so bright when he saw me, it hurt. I don't know why but I felt so guilty. I didn't even do anything. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. He kissed me softly. I hugged him like he'd just disappear, he laughed at my silly behavior.

"You two did so good up there. Congratulations baby." He kissed my cheek making me smile.

"Ech..hem.." The guy he was talking to made his presence clear. I looked at him my eyes going wide. I couldn't believe it, Jaebum was talking to Mark of NCT!

 I couldn't believe it, Jaebum was talking to Mark of NCT!

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He looked at me wide eyed too.  He just realized it was me. I mean I had changed a bit.

"Mark?" I asked moving away from Jaebum.

"Woo? That's you?" He asked clearly not having known I was in Beijing or Asia for that matter.

"Oh my god!" I got over the shock and engulfed him into a bear hug. Jaebum just stood back while I reunited with my friend.

"Mark, you were here all day?!" I hit him lightly making him smile.

"Duh I'm top 3, who's team were you on?" He asked and I smiled.

"Oh me and Jiminie are on a team. I mean WoJimShi, he picked it not me." I explained excited.

"Great! Well I have to go. I'll catch up more tomorrow." He smiled before leaving us alone.

I looked at Jaebum slightly annoyed. He shrugged, smiling.

"You said he was a friend, figured talking wasn't so bad. He said him and the rest of NCT are on tour." He explained making me remember that they all have rooms next to mine.

"Why didn't you say they were here earlier?" I asked nudging him. He looked serious. I looked in the direction he was staring. I saw him... Yuta.

"Can we go?" I asked but not really, I already started to walk away.

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