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It is a love letter to the readers.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through this journey yet again. It took me 3 years to write this story in it's entirety. I did a lot of research and googling places like the Aria Resort in Las Vegas and the distance from the top of the island of the Bahamas to the bottom. I live in Atlanta so a lot of the traveling and namedropping in that area was simply me being comfortable. All the pregnancy facts and powders from the midwife were my hard work come to life. This is my most prized possession, I think, this novel. I still reread several chapters myself at least once a week. It's made it almost impossible for me to see the reality of the dating scene I'm so expecting someone to be the Trey to my Tremma. He was an impossibly perfect man though especially once you discovered his dark little secret. How he desired her makes it really hard for average, real men to approach me! Dang shame. But the fact that I can develop a character so well with no POV chapters for him makes me feel proud of myself.  And entries went on and on and the descriptions of everything seemed to pour out of my fingertips in those days. Before I had bills and jobs... sigh.

I remember once on the BBS board I contradicted myself by saying that Trey had only brothers and then sending him to a sister's wedding in the next chapter. One reader showed me the error and instead of regressing, revamping, and editing chapters I simply rolled with the punches and eventually made it apart of the novel! Thanks to whoever you are. Loyal fans are such an intricate part of the process with this kind of blog writing. You guys will never know what it means to me to see your wordy comments and 7 ::dead:: emoji's. Gratification is the best feeling and sometimes you guys can lay it on really thick when you want. I love it. I remember comments from 2012 so please don't ever think your appreciation goes unnoticed. I reread all your comments. Every single one. I see you guys. I see you cheering me on and investing yourselves in this drama again, trusting me with your imaginations and spare time. Thank you for that. I never let anyone that knows me like friends or family or coworkers read my stuff... too embarrassed about the sex scenes lol. I said that to say you all are all I have. My readers are the only gratification and dialogue I get for all this work I do. Ever tried to describe some of the best parts of a novel to someone who doesn't read and watch their eyes just kinda wonder away? Imagine being the writer. It makes you so flustered because they'll watch a movie and think it's fuffilling and I just wanna scream  'I've got something better, with more detail and meat and sex.' Thanks for making it worth it. You are a really inspiring group of people. You bring out the best in me most times, challenging me to fatten up chapters with descriptive meat and push my imagination to twist the story because you guys lemme know that you peep the plot. Keeping me on my toes.

I do want to note that the disorder that is nymphomania is serious and grievous situation to be in and my sincerest apology to anyone that feels disrespected or slandered by this novel.

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