JUNE 14, 2010

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Daily Sagittarius Horoscope
June 14, 2010

One day, Sagittarius, the moments that you're living
now will be the good old days you'll look back to
in the future. It is up to you to make the most of
of these days so that the you to come will have
something to look back to. Carpi Diem, seize the day.

"Drinks at O'Thirsty's tonight you've been cordially invited!"

Emma took one of the headphones from her ipod out of her ear after some careful consideration to look at Rebecca and Marci. They'd just jumped into the elevator in the parking garage with her even though she'd done nothing to stall the elevators departure. She didn't really like to associate herself with people in the morning too much these days. Now Emma dragged her feet and meditated in the morning while she was on her way to the office. There were things about being there that made it intolerable. She sipped her milk spiked with vanilla extract and sweet cocoa.

"Excuse me?" She supplied.

Marci, a short black chick originally from New York with a thick accent smiled evenly at her. "Hey girl." She had a really raspy voice, the kind of voice Lauryn Hill had. She was always so laid back and dressed as casual as the office would allow. She wore bags slung over her opposite shoulder and had deep, pretty dimples.

Rebecca moved to stand on her other side and grinned down at her from her tall posture. Emma looked between the two of them and suddenly felt like she was in high school again. She shook her head. "Lance from financing's first born is becoming a man today," she confided casually but with a mischievous smile on her face. "We're all so excited."

Emma didn't hide her confusion. Why the hell would Rebecca bother to tell her that? Why would Rebecca even bother to tell her anything? They hadn't talked about the club or anything that happened after the club since she club. She assumed it was because Rebecca and she were grown and they could randomly see each other outside the office and still maintain the same professional relationship as before.

She could feel herself standing on edge as she inspected Rebecca. She had to calm down, she knew. A self-aware person could smell an overreaction a mile away. Her jitters and worries were all because of the overdrive she was going into for her chaotic problems with her boss. Rebecca and she had done nothing at the club to even make her tense about her mentioning Emma in a club environment. She had, as it happened, enjoyed seeing Rebecca at the club. She blinked back her suspicion and peered. "What? You're inviting me to a bar mitzvah in a bar?"

She felt Marci chuckle on the other side of her. Rebecca only shook her head. "I don't give a damn about the bar mitzvah. Drinks at O'Thirsty's is in celebration of it."

Emma shook her head. Contractors were always coming up with ways to party with people they worked with. They would use any little thing to go out for drinks. On the other side of the wall people were too concerned with bringing in big dollars to be concerned with O'Thirsty's. Emma didn't consider herself over the occasional event or two but she knew she couldn't attend.

Instead of accepting right away and offering thanks for the thought, she asked, "And I've been cordially invited by whom?"

"Me," Rebecca remarked. "On behalf of everyone else at the office who knows how to have a good time."

Marci giggled again and the elevator doors opened. Emma didn't like the way that Rebecca had said whatever it was she had said. They stepped out. Rebecca turned left with Emma and Marci went right to her desk. "You should come," she whispered to her. Emma turned to her, wondering why she was whispering. Was this some sort of 'Dead Poet's Society' of alcoholics where one had to be invited to be initiated, she thought. She frowned. "We're gonna have a good time. Bobby's gonna be there."

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