She was gasping when she finally see her cabin. But unfortunately, rain already poured heavily before she ever did make it. So she frantically put the ingredient under her vest and sprinted rapidly. She was already soaking wet when she finally make it to the porch of her cabin.

She sighed. She pulled the object under her vest. It was dried chamomile. Well, she really needs it dry and is glad that it stays that way after the rain poured heavily. She pulled down her keys from her pockets and entered unceremoniously inside. She puts the chamomiles in a dry wicker basket and went upstairs to her room. She opened the door and entered, without turning the main lights. Instead, she proceeds to the bathroom, flips the light, and reaches out for a small towel. She wiped her face and strip-off all her soaked clothes, closed the bathroom door then went under the shower.

She didn't notice the pair of black eyes, silently watching her every move in the darkest corner of the room.


He felt the chakra approaching the house. So he masked his own chakra. He flinched. The chakra signature he felt right now was painfully familiar. Sakura? He thought. He moved to the shadows, in the darkest part of the room, and conceals himself. He heard her puffing. It seems she didn't detect his presence yet. How foolish. Letting her guard down like this. He smirked. She was downstairs and he heard shuffling sounds. Then he heard footsteps in the hall, almost running towards the room he was staying in. He waited silently. The door opened...

...and he saw her.

And maybe...just a little. He had held his breath.

He silently watched she entered the bathroom.

After about 15 minutes, Sakura went out of the bathroom wrapped in her towel, one hand with a smaller towel, drying her hair. She went to the edge of her bed and sit while still drying her hair. Just then, she finally feels it, and she stiffened. Someone was in her room. She inhaled, trying to relax her breathing. Why didn't she notice it before? Why did she become so relax? She was a ninja dammit!

Slowly, as if assessing the exact location of her intruder, she slowly eases up her right hand towards her pillow while her left hand faking to rub her wet hair with the small towel. As soon as her hands gripped the handle of her kunai she strategically hid under the pillows, the not-so-familiar chakra she feels suddenly flares up. Within a fluid motion, she twisted her right leg, pushes her body up, kunai on her right hand, and swings it in one smooth move towards her back. Metal hits against metal, the small towel flies off slowly in her vision.

Who is the intruder? What does he want? A thief? She can't tell with the darkness of the room, but she knows that it's a man.

The intruder doesn't know who he's messing with, she thought. So with the chakra-infused left hand, she aims for him. But he was fast, and he doesn't seem like an ordinary petty burglar. Her chakra-infused punch landed on her bed, splitting it into two. She could feel the feathers and debris of the poor bed flying off everywhere. She felt the intruder landed behind her so with one swift move, she tried to swing her arm with the kunai, intending to land a direct hit on him by turning and shifting her weight clockwise, but she was gripped with a powerful arm instead, holding her wrist, while the other on her shoulder, stopping her attack. She winced, but she grabbed the wrist that holds her shoulder, putting all her might, and flipped him up and down to the floor. She smirked as she heard a loud thud and a few broken bones of the intruder. It was short-lived though when she felt someone grabbed her both hands behind her with such force, she dropped her kunai.

There are two of them? No, then she looked at the mass that lies on the floor. It vanished with a poof. A kawarimi? But how?

Before she could do a comeback attack, she was shoved off towards the door. The intruder still holding both of her hands behind her.

"Let go of me!" she hissed as she tried to break from his iron grip. The intruder was so close behind her, she could actually feel his body heat. She started to infuse both hands with chakra.

"Don't," the intruder said in a painfully familiar baritone voice she oh so damned knows so well.

And she stopped.

And her world suddenly stops.

Her breath hitched from her lungs, her eyes wide. Her mouth went dry, it opens and closes. She wanted to speak but found out she can't. This isn't a dream.

The man behind her inched closer, she felt his mouth over her left ear. He was breathing warmly on her and she could actually tell he was smirking.

"Breath," he told her.

And she did, it was a painful broken exhales, she thought her lungs were actually screaming at her. She was in shock! Then, she flipped her so that her back was against the door and she was finally facing him. She still can't find the words.

It was finally clearing outside, dark clouds floating away. The rain had stopped and the moon peeped through the sky, lights passing through her windows and towards the intruder that night. Her mouth slightly opened, glassed jade orbs looking straight at the obsidian ones now, her heart beating fast, and that sensation she felt with the nearness of him.

And she finally saw him.





If you are curious, The scenario and situation was inspired from the scene in Street Fighter II Movie (1994), where Vega stalked Chun-Li in her apartment.  Still, I know..the real MVP was the towel. 

Towel-kun.must.not.let.go. XDD

You can watch the fight scene here:

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