Chapter Thirteen

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Andy's POV

"Honey, why aren't you dressed yet?" Dylan's voice startled me so much I didn't immediately registered the words he'd said. It did however make me stop focusing on the puppy brown eyes that Nick was giving me seconds ago as he asked me out. Now Nick was turning to look at Dylan as he came out the house, fastening his cuff links onto the wrists of a maroon dress shirt that clung to him perfectly. Dylan ignored him, looking at me as he waited for an answer.

Right. "Um... yeah. I was... I don't know -" I began to say that I didn't know we were going out but kept being distracted by how his shirt showed all of his upper body as effectively as if he wore no shirt.

"Well, don't just stand there, go get changed, we're gonna be late," Dylan rolled his eyes and pointed in the general direction of his room in the house. "Sorry," he turned his attention to Nick, "Our schedule's a bit tight, can we wrap this up here?"

Nick looked at me, eye brow raised. "I don't know... can we?"

"Shucks Dylan I forgot all about the uh... the thing," I finished lamely, looking at Dylan for help. I didn't know what it was about Nick's gaze that made me feel horrible about turning him down. "What was it again?"

"The charity for the art programs for schools, sweetheart, remember?"

"Oh yeah, that, yep, I'll just, uh, go change now," I said backing away. Dylan came with me, jabbing me with his elbow as we left Nick with Spotty. We ran right into Romeo who wore a shit-eating grin. I wondered just how much of that he had seen.

Dylan led me straight to his room where he locked my head in for a hungry kiss. "Ow!" He bit me, a nip that I felt all the way to my dick. He frowned at me when he pulled away as I touched the spot, eyeing him to find out what had possessed him. "I like when you're jealous."

"He was eye-fucking you the entire time, what did you think he was gonna ask," Dylan muttered crossly as he moved across the room toward his large walk-in closet.

"Didn't see it coming, just like I didn't see you coming up with this whole charity shit. Where are we really going?"

"It really is a charity for schools. Now I have to find you something to wear because I obviously can't leave you outta my sight." He was being so ridiculous it was cute. I followed him into the closet, smiling to myself about all sorts of gay closet jokes. "What the fuck got you so happy?"

"You're jealous."

He swallowed, then his eyes narrowed as he said, "So what?"

"So you weren't thinking straight. We're about to head out to a charity with tons of cameras - together. Are you ready for me to see your father?"

"He won't be there."

"But he'll see it right away at least. He'll know something's up between us." I put my hands on his shoulders. "You go. I'll stick around here and come up with something."

"Oh no, no, no. I'm not leaving you here with him. We're going to the fucking charity."

"Pup." I put everything into that single word. He needed to calm down.

He sighed, relaxing visibly. "Yes sir."

"Breathe. I'll get into that dress shirt, but only if you answer my next two questions very, very honestly." When he finally nodded I continued, "Are we a couple?"

He nodded again then said, "Yes."

The warmth coursing through me could've made me sweat in winter. "And do you want me as your dominant too? It's not necessarily a packaged-"

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