I directed her to where I was sitting and asked her if she would like anything. Amelia politely declined leading us straight to the business at hand.

" I want you to plan a birthday party for my son for me. He will be turning thirty this year and I wanted to do something grand for him" she said.  I couldn't help but smile my acceptance. " I would be honored to Mrs Flemming". This was going to really boost my career, I thought to myself smiling.

After my meeting with Mrs Flemming, I made my way back to my office, it wasn't any thing big and I shared it with my bestfriend and partner Kyle Philips. He was gay as gay could be but you couldn't tell from his looks. Kyle was one of those baby faced guys with a body of an athlete. He was so sweet and caring and jovial sometimes I wonder if he ever got serious but I loved him all the more for it.

"Guess what" I said whiles jumping up and down in our office clapping my hands.

"You getting married to a genie?" Kyle retorted with a smug look on his face.

" No dumb dumb, we planning a birthday event for Mrs Amelia Flemming's
Son" I sang out grinning from ear to ear.

Kyle got up from his chair and hugged me lifting me off my feet "Ohh this is good news" he said twirling me around.

"Hey, hey hey stop twirling me around like a kid and put me down. Remember my condition" I told him.

He immediately set me back on my feet and looked panicked, like he had just been caught in a bad act. I couldn't help but laugh myself off at his behavior.

" Relax dumb dumb, no harm done" I told him.

I told him all the necessary information about the meeting and we continued our work for the day.

After we closed from work, Kyle and I headed back to my house for dinner. In the ride back home all Kyle could talk about was the Flemming event and Mrs Amelia's son.

"So which son are we planning the birthday for?" He questioned.

"Her eldest son, I didn't really gather enough information about him since she was in a hurry to go somewhere else" I answered back to Kyle.

"Honey don't tell me you don't know his name or who he is" Kyle retorted giving me the stink eye.

"Well you know I don't, the only reason why I even know Mrs Amelia and who she is because of Nana and her daily dose of information on socialite women who do good. You know I don't really pay attention to those kind of stuff. So no, I don't know his name" I chipped in.

"Bless your stars you have a bestfriend like me who knows much about rich people" Kyle muttered.

"So Mrs Flemming's has two sons, Alex and Jasper Flemming. Alex manages the Flemming empire and is very well known for his playboy and arrogant ways. He's a total badass and would do him anytime anywhere" Kyle said smugly.

I rolled my eyes at him asking myself how I ended up with him as my best friend.

I soon pulled up in front of my house and Kyle was out before I could even turn the ignition off. I gathered my stuff from the car and headed inside after him.

"Nana, I'm home" I said, heading towards the kitchen where I knew she would be.

"Yes we know, come sit your ass down so we can eat" Kyle said as he moved to sit down at the already set table in the kitchen.

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