63 || We're Here

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Glenn slams on the breaks but doesn't stop the car. We start piling through walkers. We come to a stop.

"Karma stay in the car and guard him," Rick tells me

They get out of the car and look around. There's no top to the car so I can't look out. Our entire car is covered in blood and guts. They do come back in the car.

"They're ok?" Aaron asks

"Yeah," Michonne says our of breath

Glenn starts smearing guts and blood off the windshield. He gets in and tries to start the car. No avail. He keeps trying but nothing is working.

Walkers are slowly inching towards us. Just waiting to tear apart our flesh.

"Come on," Glenn says to himself

"We gotta get out of here," Aaron says

"Lemme see what I can see," Michonne says getting out of the car.

"They're coming for us," Aaron says worriedly

"Yeah, we know," Rick says

"Rick. We gotta go. NOW!" I tell him

"Hold on!" Glenn says

We watch as a flare goes up into the sky.

"Shit." Aaron whispers

"Who did that?" Rick asks

"I need to leave this is over. Let me out. I need to get out of here. this is over."

"What's going on?" Rick says

"LET ME OUT!" Aaron says

"HEY CALM DOWN!" I yell at him

He kicks open the door, sending Michonne flying back. I get out and race after him.

"Karma leave him! We need to find our people."

"They saw that flare. they'll think we shot it. This is how we find them." I say, running into the woods with my katanas out.

They all follow me towards the flare. Rick and Glenn fire their guns at the walkers while me and Michonne slice our way through with our katanas.

"Where's Glenn?!" Rick yells

sure enough, I get separated too. I keep slicing as I get backed away from the group. I trip over a log and land on my back. I flip myself over and get up and run away.

In the corner of my eye, I spot something glowing through the trees. That must be Rick and everyone.

I take off running towards the light. Sure enough, I was right.

"Come on," Glenn tells me

I follow them back to the road.

"Where are they?" Rick asks Aaron

"I don't know."

"Of this is a trap, to get us back where you want us, your people are gonna die tonight." Rick tells him."

We walk over towards where the flare was

-time skip-

We peer around the corner. I whistle a little tune.
We start walking and I whistle again.

I get one in response as we see Daryl turn the corner. He knocks on the door and everyone rejoices. I run up and hug Daryl.

"You alright?" He asks me

"Yeah are you?" I ask

" m' fine." He answers

I hug him as he kisses the top of my head. Ok, now we're getting somewhere.

We all walk into a room and wait. Soon Aaron comes into the room

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Thank you. You saved Eric. I owe you, all of you. And I will make sure the debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria. Now, I'm not too sure about you, but, I'd rather not do any more driving tonight. Maybe we can hit the road tomorrow morning." Aaron says

"That sounds fine. But if we're staying the night, your sleeping over there." Rick says

"You really think we gotta do that?" Maggie says annoyed

"Its the safe play. We don't know you." Rick says

"The only way your gonna stop me from being with him right now is by shooting me."

Glenn goes over to convince Rick.

"All right," Rick says

-time skip to morning-

We sit in the car. I'm next to Daryl in the back. I rest my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

I wake up to slight whispering.

"Come on," Rick whispers

"I can't get up. I don't wanna wake her, I'm kinda scared too." Daryl whispers back

Rick laughs lightly and I try to hold back a smile and I somehow succeed.

I drift back to sleep

I am woken back up again. I growl sarcastically and tiredly.

"Told you I was scared to wake her up," Daryl says

I laugh lightly and open my eyes.

"We here?" I say tiredly

"Yeah, come on," Daryl says

I rub my eyes and put on my face. I make sure I look intimidating before we go in. We get out of the car. We walk up to the gate. I plaster an intimidating glare on my face and pull up my bandana.

'Here we go.' I think to myself.

Karma's a bitch  {Daryl Dixon}Where stories live. Discover now