49 || Strangers

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We have to get as far away from terminus as we can. The fire and smoke will attract walkers. As we walk I keep a keen eye out for these new people. I don't trust them just yet.

The new girl Tara, she looks like one of the people back at the prison who attacked us. Rick goes over to take to her.

"You didn't want to be there. That's why I tried to talk to you. Glenn told me you saved his life."

"He saved mine." She says with a small smile

"That's how it works with us, right?" Rick asks

"Right." She smiles

They both fist bump.

She seems cool. But she seems afraid of us.

We set up camp where we stopped walking. I stand away from everyone, keeping a close eye out. I walk around, making sure everyone is together.

Daryl is with Carol, trying to get her to talk about what happened at the prison.

Then I hear rustling in the woods. My head snaps towards the sound. I can't see any movement.

Daryl seems to notice the sound too.

I grab my bow and hold it steady as I inch towards the noise. Rick notices my actions.

Then I hear the sound of something walking off.

'Probably nothing'

But the thing is, I didn't just hear it. I felt it. Like someone was watching me. Watching us.


We continue walking through the woods the next day. Daryl went off to hunt so, I stepped up for now. I'm Rick's go to person for now. I mean, I always was. Rick goes to Daryl for advise usually.

I'm walking next to Rick when I hear rustling in the bushes. I recognize those steps. It was Daryl. Everyone stopped and aimed their guns at him but I kept walking without looking over.

"We surrender." He says holding up his squirrels sarcastically

Back on the farm, I told Beth about how everyone's steps sounded. I told her, I didn't know what Daryl's sounded like. Now I do. I wish she was here so I could tell her.

I walk in front as Daryl and Rick walk next to each other behind me.

"No tracks. No nothing." Daryl says

"So whatever you heard last night..." Rick starts

"It's more what I felt. I know Karma knew too. If someone was watching us, there would have been something."

We keep on walking but suddenly I hear something


It's to quiet for the others to hear but I do.

I stop walking and twitch my ears towards the sound. Daryl notices this and stops everyone.

"Help!" I start growling.

"What's going on?" Carl asks

I don't even wait for an order, I just take off running towards the sound.

"Karma!" Rick shouts. "Come on." He says to the group.

I take out my katana as I run through the woods. Careful to make sure my steps are light and quiet. I doge any twigs and trees as I rush to help.

I come across a man on a big rock. He's dressed in a black suit. There are walkers trying to grab at his feet.

I take my katana and chop ones head off. I bash another's head into the rock and kill the others.

"Clear." I tell Rick as he shows up with the group.

"Keep watch." Rick tells everyone

I turn to go but Rick puts a hand on my shoulder, telling me to stay.

"Come on down." Rick tells the man

He does as told and carefully slides down the rock. He seems very scared of us and the dead walkers.

"You ok?" Rick asks

The man holds up a finger and coughs up his last meal.

I turn my head away from the sight.

"Sorry. Yes." He says out of breath

"Thank you." He says, looking at me

I put my katana back in its sheath and cross my arms. Putting my weight on my left foot.

"I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick asks Gabriel

"Do I look like I would have any weapons?" He says nervously

I tilt my head to the side. Is he really going to do this?

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like." Abraham says

"I have no weapons of any kind. The word of god is the only protection I need."

"Sure didn't look like it." Daryl says from beside me

"I called for help. Help came." Gabriel says, gesturing to me

"Do you have- have any food? Whatever I just had left, it just hit the ground." He says nervously

"We've got some pecans." Carl says, holding out the pecans we gathered

"Thank you." He says gratefully

Judith starts cooing and Gabriel notices

"That's a beautiful child."

Everyone stares at him defensively over Judith. He looks down nervous, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Do you have a camp?" Gabriel asks

"No. Do you?" Rick answers rather quickly

"I have a church."

"Hold your hands above your head."

'So he's a priest, was a priest.'

Rick check Gabriel as he asks him the three questions

"Because the lord abhors violence."

Something snaps inside me. I don't know what. But it feels like I was just slapped upside the head.

"What have you done? We've all done something." Rick asks

"I'm a sinner. I sin almost everyday. But, those sins I confess them to go. Not strangers."

"You said you had a church?" Michonne asks

Karma's a bitch  {Daryl Dixon}Where stories live. Discover now