38 || I have it

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Rick and Daryl bright the truck over. Daryl is driving while Rick is in the back with the pigs.

I rush over to the gate and yank on the rope, whilst opening the gate. Daryl pulls the truck out of the gate. I close the gate after they leave.

He drops a pig after cutting its leg. The walkers leave the fence and go after the meat.

"Come on," I tell them

I lift up on of the logs were using for support with ease. I ram the top of the log into the top of the fence. I push the fence back as far as I can. I take the bottom part of the log and ram it into the ground.

Soon Rick and Daryl come back inside. Rick immediately goes over to the pen. I just stand there frustrated. I look over and see the barn is on fire.

I let out I light chuckle. I stick my hand out high in the air and flip off the building. Daryl just stares at me like I'm the weirdest human being. Well, I am.

I raise my head up high and put my hands on my head. I breathe in a deep breath of air. I smell burning flesh.

I quickly bit casually speed walk to the prison. I go towards the smell and see two burned walker and a very upset Tyreese.

"I smelled flesh, what happened?" I ask

He just storms off to get Rick. I go over to the bodies and inspect them. The burn was recent, it's still smoking. There are no footprints.

Soon Rick Daryl and Carol show up.

"You found them like this?" Rick asks

"I came to see Karen...and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled it. Somebody dragged them out here, and set them on fire! They killed them and set them on fire!"

I lightly grab my knife. Just waiting for him to hurt somebody. I know he will. He steps closer to Rick's face. Daryl and I both move forward. I let go of my knife and grab my katana.

"You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring them to me you understand? You bring 'em to me!"

"We'll find out who-" Daryl steps closer to Tyreese but gets pushed back.

I growl at his outburst

"I need to say it again?" Tyreese booms

"No. No." Rick say calmly "I know what your feeling. I've been there. you saw me there. It's dangerous"

"Karen didn't deserve this."


"David didn't deserve it. Nobody does."

Daryl steps up again

"Alright man lets-"

Tyreese grabs Daryl and pushes him to a wall. I run over with my knife in hand.

Daryl holds out a hand to me telling me to stop. I shift on my feet and growl louder.

"We're on the same side man," Daryl says

"Hey look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've gotta calm down."

Tyreese turns around and pushes Rick back

"You need to step the hell back!"

"She wouldn't want you being like this," Rick says

Tyreese clocks rick in the side of the face.

I pounce on his shoulder but he throws me to the ground and I scrape my arm. I immediately jump to my feet and body slam him. He stumbles and falls onto his side. I go to pounce on him again.

"Stop! Stop!" Carol screams as I'm about to attack him.

Tyreese gets back up and punches Rick again. Daryl jumps of Tyreese's back and holds him. Rick gets up and punches Tyreese. He falls to the ground. Rick then kicks his stomach. Rick gets on top of him and starts throwing rounds to his face.

Daryl tries to stop Rick but it doesn't help. Rick stops and holds his wrist. Blood soaked his hand. Tyreese lays on the ground sobbing. He's all bloody too.

Carol leads Rick to Hershel, and Tyreese goes to dig graves.

"You 'ight?" Daryl asks me

I tilt my head

"You were thrown pretty hard."

"Just a few scrapes, nothing bad."

Then blood trickles to the ground. Daryl grabs my arm and turns me around. There's a big gash on my arm.

"Daryl I'm fine." I try to convince

He knows I won't go to Hershel.

"Go." He points his finger to inside.

I groan and mope. I slowly walk into the building. It starts to get really hot. I take off my sweatshirt but it's still hot. Now I'm walking around with a tank top. My head starts to spin.

'What the hell happened with this cut.' I think as I look down to my arm.

I start hacking and coughing. I fall on my hands and knees. I start gasping for air and holding my stomach.

'I have it.' I think to myself

I grab onto a wall and start dragging myself to cell block A. I keep coughing and coughing and coughing. Soon I start to hear voices. Daryl and Tyreese.

As I round the corner, they both look at me. Daryl goes over to help me but, I hold out a firm hand.

"Stay back," I say shakily.

My head is down and my face is all sweaty. Daryl backs up.

"You ok? What the hell is wrong?" Daryl asks

I open the door and look back at them.

"I have it," I say as we walk into the room

"WERE GOIN' NOW!" Daryl yells to Tyreese just before the door closes

I limp my way through the cell. Holding onto anything to keep me steady. I grip a cell door to hold me up. A walker attacks the door I'm holding. I jump back and fall down.

"Dr. S?" I slightly yell

He comes out from somewhere he looks sick too.

"Oh no, not you too." He says

He helps lead me to a cell block. Glenn is in there. I sit down.

"Dr. You need to rest too. You're just as sick as the rest of us." I tell him

"It looks to me like you got the worst of the flu." He says holding his hand to my forehead, " Your temperature seems higher. You can barely walk on your own and that gash isn't helping." He tells me.

My eyes start to feel heavy. I can't focus anymore. Everything gets fussy and my eyes begin to roll back.


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