Chapter 17

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The next morning in the boarding school, Sasha and Ben met up.

They stared at each other silently, before looking away again, glancing about themselves.

Aubrey was nowhere to be seen, and he did not appear at lunchtime anywhere, or after class.

'That little twat has run away' Sasha snarled. 'He's going to intervene in something that's not his business.'

'I don' think you should be using words like that' Ben said trying to reason with her. 'Maybe you should just...'

'He's gone to find Haru hasn't he?' Sasha scowled, looking across the school grounds.

The sky was beginning to darken above them, and the air was getting chilled.

'I'm concerned for Haru as well' Sasha said, speaking calmly now. 'I miss him, I want to see him again but......'

Ben watched her silently, Sasha gritted her teeth, balling her fists as another wave of anger washed over her.

'Aubrey' she spoke with a sneer on her lips. 'I swear to god the next time I see you I'm going to punch you in the cock so hard your dad will feel it!'

'Okaaay' Ben said rolling his eyes and avoiding looking at her now.

They stared opposite directions now, watching silently the world around them.

'Its so quiet here' Sasha mumbled speaking to herself, 'so quiet.'

A distance away, just outside the town, Aubrey rested now.

He had found the address of Haru's home but did not believe he had found the right place.

The home was a mansion, with large grounds and a great iron fence running all the way around. Now, Aubrey sat outside the fence, hidden from view by the trees that were around him.

He rested on the ground with his elbows on his knees, holding his head in his hands.

Aubrey let out a sigh, turning his head to the side, looking back towards the mansion.

He felt tired, so tired, he didn't know what to do, he wanted to find Haru, but didn't know how.

'This can't be the place' Aubrey mumbled to himself. 'It can't be.'



Aubrey stayed at this place for the entire night, sleeping where he sat, he was very uncomfortable when he woke early the next morning, feeling cold, feeling hungry.

But it wasn't that that had woken him, it was something else.

Aubrey heard music.

He stared into the grounds of the manor, mind sluggish still as he gradually became more aware.

Aubrey's eye widened slightly, beginning to focus on the manor.

The music was distant, was faint. But Aubrey recognised it.

It was the same melody that Aubrey had heard Haru play on the piano back at the school, the one that had captured his heart.

Aubrey let out a gasp.


He stepped back then, tilting his up at the iron fence, then looking to his left, then right.

He turned around and looked to the trees around him, eyes traveling along the branches overhead.

Aubrey approached one of the trees, touching the trunk with both hands, looking upwards.

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