Chapter 7

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Afterwards, Haru felt exhausted.

The five of them sat around the bench on the stage, continuing to eat the food that Aubrey had brought.

Sasha still wore the purple dress, the little purple tulip still in her hair. She ate her food ungracefully.

'Could you make any more mess?' Aubrey asked her casually.

'Could you just shut your face?' Sasha snapped quickly.

'Oh no please don't fight' Amelia worried.

'Will you two just knock it off' Ben groaned, speaking to Sasha and Aubrey. 'I'm too tired for this.'

'Lessons are going to start soon' Amelia grumbled, glancing at her watch, 'we don't have much time left.'

'That's too bad' Aubrey replied, speaking in a teasing manner.

'Are you even going to turn up to your next class?' Ben asked Aubrey, as Haru who sat on the bench, watched them silently.


'Oh, come on Aubrey' Amelia frowned at him.

'Alright alright' Aubrey waved. 'I'll be there.'

'You're pushing your luck' Ben warned him.

'Yeah I know' Aubrey grumbled.

Haru glanced down at his lap, balling his fists and clenching his teeth. He blinked several times, to try to keep the tears away, hoping no one would notice.

'How are your drawings coming along?' Aubrey said to Sasha then.

'Fine' Sasha replied sounding sullen.

'Your drawings are always so cool' Aubrey sighed, leaning forwards and resting his chin on his palm. 'Maybe one day you could draw me for some practice. Could you do that? Draw me like one of your French girls Jack?'

Sasha jerked her head towards him, looking utterly livid.

'It's ok just ignore him' Amelia said trying to calm her.

'You like to draw?' Haru voiced, speaking before he could stop himself.

'I do' Sasha replied, turning away from Aubrey at that moment. 'I'm not actually that bad' she winked.

'I love art' Haru spoke in a feeble voice barely audible. 'I... love all things creative.'

'Don't say that Sasha' Amelia frowned at her, 'your art is incredible.'

'I wouldn't say incredible' Sasha raised an eyebrow.

Amelia just smiled at her, before looking back at Haru.

'So, you like art as well?' she said to Haru, as beside her, Aubrey began to poke Ben's cheek with his finger.

'Dude, stop touching me.'

'I do like art' Haru replied, 'though I uh...I don't really um.... I don't....'

'Do you draw at all?' Aubrey asked, having finally left Ben alone now.

'Not really. I mean.... I do yes but.... not very often. I rarely but...I enjoy it.'

Haru's left hand twitched involuntarily then, and he smiled weakly to himself, feeling a longing in his heart.

No one seemed to notice the movement.

'You know what?' Aubrey spoke up suddenly, pointing at Haru. 'You and Sasha look like a couple.'

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