Chapter 20

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We all arrived at the beach. We parked our cars and Karla and Tobbe went to go find a spot for us. We all started unloading our things. I got my bag from the back seat and Cass and I went to help Elin and Devon out.

"What's in there?" I asked Devon as he took out a cooler.

"Just some beer." He said with a smile. I thought of last time I drank and how drunk I got.

"I am not drinking that today."

"It's okay, babe. You don't have to." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. He smiled against my lips. I loved the feeling of his warmth.

"Holy shit that's cold!" Devon jumped up. I looked behind him and saw Elin and Cass laughing their butts off.

"What did you guys do?" I asked them.

"We put a beer can on his back." Cass said while laughing. I couldn't help it and burst out laughing too. Soon we were all laughing our butts off. Karla came back with Tobbe and they were giving us strange looks.

"What happened here?" Karla asked confused.

"Oh god I'm gonna pee!" Cass said running to the bathrooms still laughing.

"Me too!" I yelled and ran after her. When we were done we walked to where everyone else was. They were laying on the floor on top of towels.

"I wanna swim." Cass said.

"Me too." We took our clothes off and we were only wearing our bathing suits. We ran and threw our clothes on one of the towels.

"Hey wait up!" Devon yelled behind us. We slowed down a bit then he laced his fingers with mine and we all ran into the water. The water was cold at first then it started feeling warmer.

Soon everyone else came in. We were all play fighting in the water when Cass screamed. I looked over and saw that her top had come off.

"Oh crap don't look!" I told Devon and he turned the other direction right away.

"I can't find it." Cass said looking everywhere.

"Uh is that it?" Devon asked pointing to where he was looking.

"Yeah that's it. I'll get it for you." I swam over and got it for her. I gave it to her and she put it on.

"That was embaressing." She said lowly.

"Yeah I would be embaressed too."

I went over to Devon and he hugged me from behind. Then he whispered in my ear, "I love you babe."

"I love you too." I turned my head a little and kissed him. He picked me up bridal style and took me where the water was higher. "What are you doin?" I asked him.

"Pay back." He said with a smirk.

"Wait wha-" I was cut off because he threw me in the water. Good thing I'm a good swimmer I thought. I swimmed over to where he was and pulled his shorts down.

"Hey don't do that!"

I swam back up and started laughing so hard. "Sorry hand slipped." I said while laughing. Soon we were both laughing.

"Let's get something to drink." He said kissing me.

"Okay." We walked out and went to the cooler. He got a beer for himself then handed one to me.

"Um." I said looking at the can. Just one I thought. I opened it and drank almost half of it. We layed down together and watch as everyone swam in the water. Well except for Karla and Tobbe who have been making out with eachother non-stop. I laughed a little. They are too cute!

I'd finished my beer but I wanted more. I took another can out and drank it. Soon everyone was drinking. 


I felt dizzy. I couldn't even walk right anymore without stumbling. Everything felt like a blur. I started yelling for no reason and everyone else joined in.

"Guy's t-this wasn't sup-suppose to happen. Who gonna drive?" I slurred trying to stand. I ended up falling. I laughed and Devon stumbled over to me. His breath smelled like beer.

"Hey babe you okay?" He said falling on his knees.

"Yeah." I smiled as he started kissing my neck. I saw Cass stumbling to a trash can and throwing up. Soon I felt like throwing up.

"Oh, crap!" I said pushing Devon off me and ran to the trash can. It took me a while but I finally made it. I threw up in the trash can then collapsed next to it. I got back up and stumbled over to a towel and the warm fire that we had made. I layed down and looked around.

I saw Karla dancing in front of Tobbe and singing some song. Well not really singing she was practically yelling. Tobbe was sitting there with a big smile on his face.

I laughed. Soon she was on top of him and they were kissing like crazy. I looked around for Cass and saw that she was laying down passed out same with Elin.

Devon was no where in sight. I stumbled up and got my car keys just in case. Then I stumbled around looking for him.

Everything was dark and blurry. It was already night and it suddenly felt a little chilly. I looked everywhere but nothing. I felt really tired I wanted to go back to the warm fire and my friends but I couldn't remember where that was at. 

I started getting scared and was turning in circles looking everywhere. It looked the same in every direction. I fell to the ground and started crying. How was I suppose to go back when I didn't even know where back was. I hadn't even brought my phone with me. I just layed there not knowing what to do. I was officialy lost and scared.


Sorry about it being short I just wanted to end that part and I didn't know that it would make it short so sorry bout that! Hope you guys enjoyed it!:)

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