I: My Savior

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Hello everyone! Here is my most recent story I've been working on. I finished it in the course of a month, which is completely unheard of for a girl like me, but with the help of a Virtual Camp called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I was able to finish! It really is a great site and I recommend it to anyone who has a love for writing.

This chapter is dedicated to a_poppins for being the first to start reading this before I posted it, and giving me some really really hard extreme constructive criticism. Thank you my cutie patootie and long live the Wizard of Oz! (inside joke)

So here goes!


"There she is!" a man shouts. "After her! We can't let her slip away again!"

Other men pour out from behind him, following his order. I curse under my breath and grasp the tough leather bag securely in both of my hands. Who do these slobs think they are, making me over exert my body's abilities so I can excel at something I'm horrible at? I hate running and they're making me do it anyway.

I take a turn only to be stopped by a fellow henchman. He's assorted with mismatched socks and a clashing array of tattered material for a shirt and pants. However, jewels encase his teeth, neck and arms. He's a pirate, one of many that I have to fight daily, and one of many that's going to lose.

"Now now Linda Darling. Surrender easily and I may put in a good word with the Captain," the man divulges loathsomely.

"Ain't gonna happen bud," I spit before whipping my leg towards him for my attack. "Lower side kick!" I shout as I kick him behind his left knee to knock him off balance. He teeters for a second before regaining his balance, but I already expected that. "Face kick!" I shoot my leg all the way up and kick him hard right underneath the chin, causing him to fall backwards. With a yelp, he hits the ground. I don't wait up for him to get back to his feet.

So I hate to run. That's why I had to learn a few martial arts moves instead. No biggie. My specialty is kicking. I've never really been one to use my fists, but if I need them, I'll use them.

"She's getting away!" someone shouts.

"Quick! We've got to capture her!" another male voice joins in.

As I rush to get away from the docks where those nasty rascals had found me, more of them come after me, in numbers that I can't beat by myself. I have no other option. I have to outrun them. For a girl named Linda Kemsley, that is way easier said than done.

I run with all my might. There's no way I'll be able to stop. I quickly take a peek at the dark colored bag I stole. This thing is weighing me down, but I'm not going to let go. It holds something extremely valuable and I am not under any circumstances going to let those pirates get their grimy hands on it. I'll even resort to using my magic if I have to, even though I haven't used it in years.

"We've got her!" a voice yells triumphantly.

It was a trap. I've gone and run into a trap. I slow down and try to find a way out, but it's no use. They're blocking every possible escape route. It's settled then. I've got to use my magic.

"Oh Linda," a pirate coos. His voice is thick and taunting.

I crinkle my nose in disgust. These guys are filth.

"Linda Darling."

"Linda Darling!"

Linda. Linda. Linda! Why are they wasting their time mocking me like this?!

"It's time to come home with us Linda."

Not once does anyone take notice or ask of the bag I hold so close to my chest. Good, but I'll have to fight each and every one of them so they'll never find out what's in it.

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now