LXXV- Dear Mr. Greyhill

Start from the beginning

He stood, having almost finished his paperwork, grabbing his coat, and, shockingly to Diana, kissing her cheek. In what way, she did not know.
"Let's just f**king go home already," he sighed exhaustedly yet boldly.

She nodded wordlessly, standing up and leaving the room. No one spoke for the rest of the night.


Things were still a bit tense between Diana and Cal. Not even because of Diana not being over Luke Castellan, but because the two of them worked together. Even after sleeping on last night's events. And Diana thought that nothing could be worse. She would soon find out that this was not at all the case. But then, just as Diana was entering her office, she felt a firm but gentle hand on her shoulder. Diana turned to see the apologetic face of Cal Greyhill.
"Diana, I'm sorry about what I did yesterday," he said kindly. "It was completely out of line and I shouldn't have."
She shook her head. "No, it's fine, I get it and everything.... Under different circumstances, I would have too, but it's not just all of that, it's just that.... there was someone else," she explained awkwardly.
"Oh," he realized. "Oh. Oh my God, I am so, so sorry, I didn't mean—"
Diana Black smiled apologetically. "You don't have to be. Just.... give me some time, okay?"
He nodded, quickly stepping away and into his own office.

As usual, Diana began by sorting through the priority mail for Greyhill; one particular envelope caught her eye; it was an anonymously addressed letter. Diana opened it immediately, as it was her job to.
"Dear Mr. Greyhill,

I work in the Auror Office, run by yourself. My name and identity are both completely unimportant. What I am about to tell you absolutely is. I know about your emotions towards your intern, Diana Black. I know exactly what happened in your office as of last night, and I completely disapprove. It was absolutely unprofessional and inappropriate, on your part specifically. I have been observing some of your performances as Head Auror, and I am both very disappointed. You have so far proven to be unworthy, lazy, disobedient, unprofessional, and irrational. I also know that if I were to notify your even less tolerant and lenient superiors of your misconduct, there would no doubt be serious consequences for what you have done. You have not only consciously and knowingly lied about the both of your living situations; you have also knowingly broke a strictly enforced Ministry law on professional conduct. It is evident that you are not worthy of your post as Head Auror, but I also do not believe that you should be punished too severely. So, I suppose we have a compromise. My proposal is, you may either step down or transfer from your position as Head Auror, or you may transfer your intern, Ms. Black to another post. Or, your third option is to obstain from both, and for myself to turn my knowledge over to the Ministry, and you may deal with your superiors as you please. The choice is yours; you have twenty-four hours. Choose wisely.


Diana knocked on his door frantically. "Cal," she called. "Cal. Cal!"
"Come in! What's the matter?" he asked, sensing the urgency in her tone.
She pushed the letter across his desk. "Look at this."

She watched as he skimmed the black mail letter.
"Oh, f**k."
"Yeah," Diana nodded. "What are we going to do?" she whispered, closing the door behind them.
"I have no idea, yet," Cal breathed. "But we'll be able to work something out."
Diana sighed. "That's it. I'm transferring. I'm leaving."
"The hell you are! You love this job," Greyhill argued.
Diana frowned slightly. "I do, but it'll be easier for me to get a new job. You.... being demoted just isn't fair, and if you transfer, you'll have to start back at entry level. And you're so much better than that," Diana reasoned. "And letting them expose you like this just isn't an option."
"That does make sense," he nodded reluctantly. "But it just doesn't feel right, giving up so easily like this. It feels like we should fight, for the jobs that we love."
Diana only looked sorry. "Come on, you know that it doesn't work that way. Once the Ministry finds out, you know that there's no stopping them. They'll take both of our jobs in a second. And besides, they hate both of us individually; they're practically waiting to set us up for failure. Let's face it, we can't overpower a whole government; it's just not possible for us, and you know it."
Greyhill sighed slowly. "I suppose you are right. I guess this is just cutting our losses," he agreed reluctantly. "Well.... I suppose I will recommend you for whatever job that you'd like. For what it's worth.... I'm sorry that I got you into this whole mess."
Diana nodded with an apologetic smile. "So am I. I guess this is the best way that this whole thing could turn out. But it's not so bad; I suppose I do owe my family and friends a visit after all this time. I'll just head out now; I'll see you later, Cal. Until next time."
He smiled softly. "Yes, Diana. Until next time, I suppose. God, I can't believe that this is happening."
  "It is, Cal. It actually is."

From then on, Diana could only feel nothing.

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