Chapter 31

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Suddenly Darui saw a yellow figure zip through the air in front of him.

"Sorry, we're late!" Darui looked over to see who the voice belonged to.



Darui saw Naruko and Itachi running on the highest root close to Momoshiki and saw Naruko jump off the root with a huge smile on her face, while Itachi started to jump on a higher one. Darui blushed a bit to see Naruko's hair rustle in the wind while her shirt was also a bit unbuttoned. Naruko did a hand sign that was all too familiar to Darui. 

It's the Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Before Darui could even warn her about Momoshiki's power, Sasuke started running from the top root. 

"Naruko! Don't use ninjutsu on him!" Sasuke then jumped on top of Momshiki and they both fell to the ground. They both landed on each other and then pushed each other away while landing on their feet. Naruko, Darui, Itachi, and Gaara all landed on higher roots surrounding Momoshiki while Sasuke confronted him. Sasuke glared at Momoshiki with his Sharingan while pointing his sword at him.

"You can absorb jutsu and then release it... right? It's the same setup as those toys from the Scientific Ninja Tools Team, from the chunin exams." Momoshiki growled at Sasuke.

"Then we'll go with Taijutsu then," Darui said crouching with his sword over his shoulder. 

"That's a simple deduction," said Gaara with his arms crossed over his chest. Momshiki growled and then resumed clashing swords with Sasuke. Kinshiki saw Momshiki's fight and muttered.

"Lord Momoshiki..." He then whistled and then a floating Sakura with her torn wedding dress flew over. Sakura obviously wasn't herself because her eyes were blank. It didn't show any emotions at all. Kurotsuchi didn't know about the contract that Sakura made with Momoshiki so she tried to snap Sakura out of her trance. Sakura chakra punched the ground that Kurotsuchi and Chojuro were standing on. This made both Kages loose balance, ad the ash surrounding Kinshiki loosened up. Kinshiki took advantage of the situation and broke free.

"Tch! Chojuro, help me get Sakura under control! I'm going to seal her. Chojuro nodded and held down Sakura, as Kurotsuchi sealed Sakura inside the same ash Kinshiki was in. Chojuro then swung his sword at Kinshiki and brought him down with chakra strings. Kinshiki sent chakra weapons straight at Sasuke with his eyes. The many weapons not only hit almost hit Sasuke but also Darui, Gaara, Naruko, and Itachi. 

They all leaped into the air just in time. But what they didn't know that one of the blades sent a huge force through the air, bringing the God Tree down. This also created a huge gust of wind which threw everyone back. Naruko squeezed her eyes waiting for the impact when Itachi grabbed her and hugged her in his chest so she didn't get hurt from all the debris flying everywhere. Itachi's back almost crashed into a wall, until Sasuke teleported them to safe ground. Naruko opened her eyes and looked to see if the Uchiha brothers were alright. She sighed after checking if they had any injuries. Narukot hen hugged both of them and started sniffling into their shoulders.

"Never do that again..." Sasuke and Itachi both blushed and looked at the opposite direction of them. Momoshiki who was a few hectares away somehow saw this and was very angry. Kinshiki who was still on the ground suddenly shouted. 

"Now, Lord Momoshiki. It seems that the time has come for you to consume my chakra. Just as in the past! Kinshiki... when my guardian entrusted me with their power. Do not waver." Momoshiki looked agitated and lifter his Rinnegan in his hand. He started shouting. 

"LIKE I WOULD!" Suddenly Kinshiki's body started to get sucked towards Momoshiki's Rinnegan. Kinshiki started to scream in pain. Chojuro released the chakra strings and saw Kinshiki get sucked into this little red fruit. Momoshiki then started eating it. Devouring it like a wild, hungry animal. Naruko, Itachi, and Sasuke all frowned and looked at him in disgust. Once he had eaten the whole thing he started to change. 

He had black sclerae, white irides, dark-red skin, a pointy chin, fangs, claws on his hands and feet which were exposed, white hair, ponytail enlarged and became much spikier, larger, sharpened bullhorns, white markings under his eyes and a massive increase in size. And the most notable appearance was that he had awakened a third RInneggan on his forehead. 

Everyone stared at him in horror. He had just eaten his partner! Naruko frowned at him and clenched his hands. Never, ever would she ever do that to any of her friends. Friends were people to treasure. They would look after you as you would do for them. Not to treat them like livestock to stock up on power! Momoshiki felt Naruko's glares and then shouted.

"My dear Fox, I wish you couldn't have to see me this way but your friends gave me no choice. Once I have defeated all my distractions I will come for you to make you become my bride okay?" Momoshiki then gave Naruko a sadistic smile, while showing his pointy teeth. Naruko's eyes widened in horror as she thought about her friends becoming the same thing as Kinshiki. Naruko then cracked her knuckles as shouted as loud as she could.

"Before you get to my friends you'll have to go through me!" Momoshiki frowned. 

I guess this is part of what makes Fox, her. OH, that determination and rebelliousness. It gives me the chills. Just you wait Fox. You WILL be mine..

And as if Naruko could read his mind she shouted once more.


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