Chapter 16

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Itachi sat up and rubbed his head. Black orbs wandered over to and met bright cerulean eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Then Naruko started to break down. Words came out of Naruko's mouth that made Itachi tear up and hug her.

Thank god you're safe..Itachi....


Itachi first wiped his tears away and then grabbed Naruko's face and put his forehead on hers. Naruko looked at Itachi and then smiled. She stood up and smiled.

"Long time no see, eh?" said Naruko in her tired, raspy voice. Itachi smiled and then took a proper look at her. Naruko's hair was pretty messy. She had puffy, red eyes with bags under them. Her outfit seemed strange. Itachi stood up and stumbled a bit. Naruko lent a hand and brought Itachi up.

"Yea..Sorry..I haven't gotten used to my legs yet.."

 Itachi looked at the cloak Naruko was wearing and then looked at the back.


Itachi looked at Naruko. Naruko looked back with a questioning look on her face. Itachi woul've never thought that Naruko would become Hokage at such a young age. But Itachi was proud of her. Itachi then looked at his surroundings. It was a strange place. Was it a lab? He then looked at Naruko. There was something on her stomach. It


 Naruko saw Itachi look around and saw him look at her wound. She covered it up and her eyes became dead serious. 

"Itachi, we need to go. This place isn't safe."

"Your wound.."

"It's nothing. There's nothing to worry about. Follow me." Itachi followed Naruko out the door and saw where he was. They were in a huge cave, made of ice and snow. Naruko went into sage mode and worked up a way out. She started walking with Itachi following behind. After a few turns they bumped into a bunch of mini-Shin's. Itachi couldn't fight for a few hours because of his condition. Naruko just stood there. A mini-Shin on ran up to Naruko and pointed a huge shuriken at her. Iyachi looked at her in horror. She flinched. Mini-Shin looked up and saw Naruko holding onto the shuriken and breaking it during the process. Her eyes were red with slits in them. They glowed in the dark scaring the mini-Shins.

"Calm down, Kurama.." Naruko whispered. The mini-Shins, saw an image. It was very quick one, but they saw it as clear as crystal. An image of a huge nine tailed fox snarling at them on all fours, in front of a humongous cage. There were chains everywhere. The mini-Shins flinched and backed of with sweat trickling down their face.

"Listen to me and obey orders or you will be taken into custody. Your father has already died. I will personally take care of you so put your weapons down." Naruko said in a commanding voice. 

The mini-Shins looked at each other and whispered amongst themselves for a minute and then nodded. They all dropped their weapons. Naruko turned around and looked at It achi. Her expression softened. Itachi sweat-dropped. She was just like Kushina when she was angry. Very dangerous to mess around with. Itachi smiled of the fond memories he had with Kushina when he was a little kid. Naruko motioned  Itachi to follow her. They started treading up a thin ice ledge. One misstep could lead to your death by falling down that black hole-less pit, in the raveen. 

While they were carefully stepping their way to the exit, they heard an explosion on the other side of the raveen. Naruko quickly looked over, blocking Itachi from any harm, because he still couldn't fight just yet. Suddenly a figured hugged Naruko. Naruko's eyes widened. Raven hair coveredher view while hugging her putting, his head on her shoulder. Naruko turned to see who it was.


Sasuke looked up to Naruko and shook her shoulders.

"HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME WORRY?! DON'T YOU DARE MAKE ME WORRY LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!!! Not ever again....ever.." Sasuke's voice quietened. Tears dribbled down his face. You could see his Rinnegan out. Naruko put her hands on his eyes from behind and made him face Itachi. 

"I know it's not a particular special holiday, but I have a surprise for you. I'm sure you'll be happy to see this once again.." Naruko said while smiling cheekily at Itachi. Itachi blushed a bit and then looked away quickly. Naruko uncovered Sasuke's eyes quickly and in front of him stood a man. Sasuke's eyes watered. He couldn't believe his eyes. It couldn't be.. Sasuke unconsciously spoke as he stepped forwards to the man.


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