Chapter 5

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The figure flinched with a shocked but softened look on his face. He deactivated his Sharingan.

Then the doors then slammed open. There stood Lord Seventh and Chohco holding two bags. Naruko had one of her hand on her hips and the other on her Hokage hat. Naruko looked at Sasuke and then looked over to Sarada.

"Oi! Naruko! What is the meaning of this? Why did you bring children with you? And Sarada of all people!" Sasuke shouted. 

Naruko looked at Sasuke with a piercing stare.

"SASUKE! BE QUIET! I'LL TALK TO YOU ABOUT THIS LATER!" Sasuke flinched and then tsked. He took his sword out of the pillar and then walked back to his dark corner and sat down.

Naruko then looked over to Sarada and narrowed her eyes. 

"Sarada.."Narukos voice became a little softer. Sarada flinched. 

"I'm sorry! But I really wanted to see papa! I wanted to see him so bad.." Sarada said while breaking down into tears slumping against the pillar. Naruko sighed.

"Chocho..could you please bring Sarada outside to calm down? I need to talk to her papa about something.." Naruko asked in a raspy voice.

"Okay, Lord Seventh.." Chocho said while glaring at Sasuke in his dark corner. She threw him a packet of BBQ flavoured chips and then left with a crying Sarada by her side.

Once they left Naruko motioned Sasuke to follow her upstairs. Sasuke followed quietly, glaring holes in Naruko's back. Once they reached the top Naruko took her Hokage hat off and put it on the table.

Naruko's golden hair flowed down in pigtails onto her cloak. It was messy but beautiful nonetheless. Naruko shook her hair and then turned around to Sasuke. Her eyes were a beautiful light blue colour that sparkled under the candlelight. Sasuke was shocked by the sight in front of him. Naruko was beautiful but she had heavy bags under her eyes. Sasuke unconsciously blushed but then turned away before Naruko could see him. 

"Sasuke!" Naruko's voice snapped Sasuke out of his thoughts and then turned to Naruko. She was angry and he could tell that she was angry, tired and stressed. Naruko was crossing her arms.

 "How could you be so insensitive! Sarada is your daughter!" Sasuke turned his head in the other direction.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sasuke said in his monotone voice he always had. Naruko pouted and narrowed her eyes. She marched right up to him and stared into his eyes. 


Sasuke shook out his thoughts and tried to hide his blush. He was already married toSakura so why was he feeling this way? Naruko tilted her head to the side. 

Thank god she's so dense.

"Sasuke, she's your daughter. At least try to make her feel happy. She hasn't seen you in a long time.." Naruko said quietly.

"I know that but this is urgent. My feelings can't get in the way of this mission. I need to atone for what I have done.." Sasuke said looking at Naruko. Naruko then suddenly slapped both of her hands on Sasuke's face. Sasuke was surprised. 

"You've already done enough Sasuke! What you did was in the past! You've been such a great help to Konoha already!'ve done MORE than enough! Sakura-chan misses you! So do Sarada and all our other friends! EVEN ME TEME! SO STOP BLAMING YOURSELF ALL OVER AGAIN AND COME BACK!" By then Naruko was a sobbing mess on the floor. Sasuke suddenly hugged Naruko. Naruko was a bit shocked but then cried into Sasuke's chest for a few minutes and then stopped. She then wiped her tears and then got up. Naruko walked towards the opened balcony and then stopped. She then turned around and then smiled. 

"Arigatou teme!"

Sasuke's blush grew more by the second and then turned his head around. "Anyway regarding the matter about the boy with the Sharingan.." Naruko's eyes popped wide open and then her face turned serious. "Right. I met him on the way here.." Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "Who was their target? It was.."

Suddenly both Sasuke and Naruko heard a scream from outside.

Sarada! Chocho!

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