Chapter 19

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Sakura punched the air.

"Yosh, let's go!"


The original Team 7 was back, no discussions. They walked silently on the rocky pathway, to Konoha. They obviously used Sasuke's susanoo to get out of there first. Naruko was leading the way, with a plan to leave Sasuke and Sakura alone. It pained Naruko to do it but it was for Sakura. Naruko knew she had a hard time looking after Sarada while Sasuke was out, but now Sasuke was coming back. The first day ended like that. Nightfall fell. It was pretty awkward because they all haven't seen each other for a long time, but they were slowly getting used to it. They set up camp and Naruko stood up.

"I'm going to get firewood. You two stay here. Have fun!" And with just that Naruko winked at Sakura and punched Sasuke's shoulder and then leapt off into the forest. Naruko looked around for little sticks of wood and collected them. She then stumbled and her vision became blurry. Then her sight was consumed by the dark.

Sakura and Sasuke were getting along ok. It was still pretty awkward but Sasuke finally calmed down and wasn't emitting a scary aura. They talked for a while until it had gotten really late. Sasuke looked around and tried to detect Naruko's chakra signature but it was nowhere to be found. Sakura picked up what Sasuke was doing. Sakura offered to look for Naruko together and then latched onto Sasuke's arm. They both leapt into the direction Naruko was last seen and looked for Naruko for quite a long time.

They finally found Naruko lying in the grass with the autumn leaves falling all around her body. She had blood coming out of her mouth and her cloak was now uncovering the wound she had tried to hide and been holding in. Huge amounts of blood was pouring out. It was even covering the grass she was laying on. She had heavy bags under her eyes, and her hair was all dirty and messed up. Her hands looked as stiff as a board and her skin was like snow. She was so pale. Sakura immediantly started healing her wound and Sasuke held onto her hand. It was so very cold. How long has she been like this? How could she hide this from him? Sasuke just hoped Naruko would be alright.

With Itachi and Sarada...

Sarada had her clenched fists on her thighs. The clock kept on clicking monotonously, and right in front of her, was her supposed long lost uncle which in many stories she had heard that he was a very powerful ninja, and a hero at that. Sipping noises were heard from the direction of Itachi. Sarada looked up and adjusted her glasses.

"Uhh... No offense, but aren't you supposed to be..uhh..dead?.." Sarada asked,  being reasonably curious. Itachi blinked at Sarada and laughed. He then put his tea down and put his hands on his lap.

"Well, where do I start.. Well, to put in short words, Lord Seventh saved me."

Sarada eyes lit up. Not only was Naruko strong, she was very long too and Sarada knew that she was the right person to look up to. Sarada just smiled and soon forgot about the whole genes crisis, but still had little fragments of memory, still clinging onto her.

With Team 7...

It's been a while after Sakura did all she could to heal Naruko, but she just wasn't waking up. She was left next to the campfire while, Sasuke and Sakura were sitting on the opposite of Naruko. Sasuke and Sakura took turns for watch out duty. Sasuke just went to bed and it was Sakura's turn to watch out. She walked over to Naruko, bent down and played with her golden long tresses. She whispered into Naruko's ears..

"My plan was going perfectly until you showed up Naruko.. Sasuke was supposed to pay attention to me.. But you came in and Sasuke-kun is now worried about his friend not than his own wife. Tch. You really piss me off. I want to torture you until you know that Sasuke-kun is mine but he wouldn't let me. He  only promised me to get Sasuke-kun in return for you as his wife. Crazy right? A lot of people have fallen for you haven't they?..But you better watch your back because the moment you're the most weak, I will come and get you."

And with that, Sakura kissed Naruko's hair and then walked off into the darkness.

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