Chapter 7

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"Uchiha Sasuke! You will pay for what you have done with Itachi-sama! But that's okay because I will revive him! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" The older Shin started laughing hysterically.



"What do you mean you'll revive Itachi?" Sasuke shouted. Obviously, Sasuke was confused about all of this. Shin didn't seem to know Itachi's true intentions about Konoha. 

"It's just like I said. I am going to revive Itachi-sama and you won't be able to stop me! In fact! I have already revived him! He just needs his soul and then he'll be complete! I just need to retrieve it from there..." Shin mumbled the last few words. Thanks to Naruko's super foxy hearing, she managed to hear the last few words. Naruko narrowed her eyes.

So he found about it huh?.. That was only for emergencies...his devotion and dedication towards Itachi has blinded condition is getting worse but if I free him..No..the purpose of sealing him has to remain a secret.

"Enough talk! I'll ask you as many questions when we take you back to Konoha!" Sasuke shouted interrupting Naruko's thoughts. Shin just grinned. 

"Who told you that you could rest? Stand up!" Shin told little Shin. Shin stood up flinching a little bit of the pain. 


"Are they father and son? He's using his own son as a shield?.." Naruko glared at Shin. "How cruel.."

"Naruko..take care of Sarada.."

"As long as she's in the Kurama's barrier she'll be fine.. Be careful and don't let your guard down out there.."

Sasuke said nothing and raced out of the barrier. Sasuke ran towards Shin, but Shin just smiled and then his Mangekyo Sharingan glowed red. Naruko suddenly felt something in her stomach. It hurt.. Naruko looked down at her stomach and found a Sasuke's sword pushing into her stomach. Naruko then kneeled down with a pained look on her face. Sasuke turned around and stopped. He had a horrified look on his face and then looked back at Shin.

"What's going on?" Sasuke's voice was trembling. The sight before him was...horrifying.. Naruko was kneeling on the ground, grabbing on to the sword, blood was coming out of her mouth and the wound. 

"This is my Visual Prowess. Well, just as good as yours right?" Shin smirked. The sword kept on impaling into Naruko's stomach slowly. Naruko suddenly coughed up a handful of blood. Chocho then suddenly screamed and fainted. 

I guess all that blood was too much for her.

"Kage no Bunshin Jutsu!" Naruko whispered while doing the hand sign. A shadow clone of Naruko stood there.

"Bring Chocho home safely.." The clone of Naruko nodded and grabbed unconscious Chocho by the waist and headed off back to Konoha.

"Lord Seventh! Are you okay? Oh, no..look at all that blood.." Sarada was visibly trembling. She couldn't do anything at all. She's just a measly genin, while the two most powerful ninja who were heroes of the Great Fourth Ninja War was right in front of her, struggling to protect her. She almost forgot about Chocho. Her best friend.. Naruko noticed the distress on Sarada's face.

"Don't worry Sarada..I'm okay. It's and Sasuke are here to protect you.." Naruko put on the happiest smile that she could muster on her face, but judging on the circumstances they were in that didn't go well. Naruko had a broken, wonky smile. Sarada looked at Naruko for a few seconds and started to form tears of happiness. She then wiped them away and smiled.

"Yeah..thank you, Lord Seventh.." Naruko then looked at Sasuke.

"This guy able to control other peoples weapons..that's his visual prowess.." Naruko then coughed up another handful of blood. Sauske then quickly thought back to when they were fighting. 

At that time when his hand touched my sword..he marked it!!

The Kyuubi barrier was faltering and wavering. Naruko was trying her best to keep this up but she felt so very tired. It must've been back then, back at the Hokage office. She didn't sleep for 3 days.. Damn all that paperwork! The Kyuubi barrier then disappeared and Naruko was on the verge of consciousness but Naruko eyes stayed wide open. She wouldn't forgive herself if something happened to Sarada, Chocho or even Sasuke. Suddenly sharp blades started spinning towards the back of Sarada. Sasuke leapt towards Sarada and took the blow. It was nothing to Sasuke but he felt a little pain. 

"Peace keeps humans from evolving. Just like you two and your skills.." Shin smiled and started giggling. Sasuke looked at the blades. 

"He's restraining my movements with these blades.."

"Without evolution, creatures shall eventually perish.. and that's what me and Itachi-sama will accomplish! We will keep anyone from forming peace! He understands me! He murdered his entire clan! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!"Shin then stopped laughing and looked at Sasuke. "That's why I'm taking your Sharingan.." Shin started laughing again but then a blur of pink punched Shin on the sides. 



Sakura then punched Shin to the ground. It was a very powerful punch indeed. Seeing the two enemies on the ground and Sakura being there, Naruko relaxed and smiled before coughing up more blood and fading into unconsciousness. 

It's okay now.

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