Chapter 20

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"He only promised me to get Sasuke-kun in return for you as his wife. Crazy right? But you better watch your back because the moment you're the most weak, I will come and get you."

And with that, Sakura kissed Naruko's hair and then walked off into the darkness.


Naruko opened her eyes. The sun was very bright. She shielded her eyes and sat up. Her wound had mostly healed, but still had a long road ahead for recovery. She looked around and rubbed her eyes. The world surrounding her was much more clearer. She was sleeping next to  a campfire. She was going to move when she felt someone behind her. She quickly leapt to the other side of the campfire and threw a kunai at the figure. The figure caught the kunai and dropped it.

"Relax, Naruko..It's just me.." It was Sakura. Naruko relaxed and looked around. Then she realised what happened last night, and started to panic.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan! I was supposed to be gone for around and hour to give you and Sasuke to talk and catch up but I fainted and I didn't know why but.." Sakura smiled and put a hand on Naruko's shoulder. 

"It's fine..Thanks for the thought though.." Sakura walked over to her 'bed' made of leaves. Suddenly Naruko felt a lot of KI. She didn't know where it came from but it was near the vicinity of the campsite. It was just a moment but she saw emerald green eyes, looking down upon her. She turned in the direction of Sakura but she just saw Sakura packing up the sticks of firewood. Sakura noticed Naruko staring at her and then she stood up and walked over to her.

"HELP ME PACK UP BAKA!!" And with that Sakura punched Naruko in the head. Naruko rubbed her head and sighed. Suddenly they heard rustling in the bushes. Sasuke appeared out of the bush and he first took sight of Naruko. He walked over to her and put his forehead onto hers. Sasuke then realised the situation, he jumped back, with a wide blush spread across his face. Naruko tilted her head curiously, and then realised why Sasuke was blushing. She then jumped back and slapped both cheeks with her hands and made the blush go away. She then started to pack up quickly avoiding eye contact with Sasuke. 

After they finished packing up they continued on walking towards the direction of Konoha, with a few awkward conversations here and there. Naruko felt very uncomfortable and her bright, bubbly side had been dragged down forcefully, and continued to wear her Hokage hat. They were about almost home at Konoha, and Team 7 took a break. While Sasuke and Sakura were resting Naruko excused herself and ran behind some trees. She took her hat off. She sighed and slid down the trunk of the tree on her bottom. She then leaned her head back so the tree supported her head. A lot of things had happened over the past few hours. Now Sasuke was back, Sakura could be happier, but something about Sakura gave Naruko an uneasy feeling. She could still remember the amount of KI released back then and she started to question herself. Naruko then decided on a decision and she would put her own plan into action once she returned to Konoha. She then put her hat back on and went back to the others as they set off to Konoha. 

It didn't take too long to get back and then they finally arrived at the front gates of Konoha. Big welcoming doors. A lot sure had changed. The many chunin looking after the gate, saw Naruko and then rushed over to her and welcomed her back. They then saw Sasuke and Sakura and startd chatting with them. While the others were having a conversation with the chunin, Shikamaru walked over to Naruko with his hands in his pockets. 

"Welcome back, Hokage-sama.."

"Ah...Shikamru, I'm home.." Shikamru saw the look on Naruko's bottom half of her face and then sighed. 

"What do you need?"

"Ahh..That's right, I need you to contact Lady Tsunade..I have a hunch I need to correct..To get off my mind.."

"Sure..what for?.."

"You'll see..also once Tsunade has arrived, please her to me at once and I'll take care of things from there."

Shikamaru sighed and scratched the back of his head. "What a drag.." Naruko then walked off to the Hokage office with her head hung low. 

This was going to be a tough week. 

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