It was just a matter of taking his phone, finding the phone number and filling in the man on the other end of the present occurence.

They were not in any hospital in Harry's neighbourhood, Liam confirmed with every hospital near them that Jessica had not need admitted.

His other search parties had no luck either. But it literally took the man five minutes of  fumbling auspiciously before he sent Harry their location.

"How did you know where she was? Do you have someone tailing her?" Harry asked a bit wrecked by the incredible flash of relief that washed over him, despite that he probably was an accomplice to a crime.

"No. She has her phone and as long as she has it we can find her." He elaborated.

"That's what my sercurity has been trying to do but couldn't locate her because she wasn't amwering her phone." Harry said, suspicions crawling back as all the government conspiracy stories came flooding his mind.

"Well ... that's why I'm part of the FBI and they are part of a security detail."

And the phone went dead.

'Well damn,' Harry thought.

He rapped on the window to get the attention of the driver and gave him the name of the hospital that they were at.

A public hospital.

Jessica didn't have any medical insurance and he doubted she had enough money to cover the costs that needed to be covered.

"You found her?" Niall asked.

"Yeah... yeah. They are at a public hospital near here."

As expected, the boys began to question how he had found out. The pang in his chest that kept urging him to just spill the beans the minute this situation started was insistent.

But the hot feeling of his phone served as a reminder that he wasn't the one who made the rules.

He didn't want to mess this up. If he did. He might as well kiss his whole relationship with Niall goodbye and hello drama.

"I just ... know someone who is good at finding people, alright?" He drew a halted breathe, hoping that would be the end of the barrage of questions. 

"And this "guy"," Harry could practically taste the suspicion in Louis voice as he made air quotes when he said guy."wasn't called the minute that Jessica disappeared?"

The quiet hum of the car filled the silence as Harry sifted through the lies he could tell them, weighing on which one would throw them off track from the real truth.

But then he looked in the rear view mirror. And really looked at Louis and Liam. He had not taken them in really that morning considering his panicked state and his eyes immediately sorting out Niall.

They were haggard. Louis eyes were set deep once more in their sockets, dark bruises shadowing his eyes.

Liam looked mentally tired. He could tell from slight frown that seemed like a permanent fixture on the side of his mouth that he was just as confused as Louis and Niall.

As much as he wished that it want true, but his breakup with Niall probably affected them too. Worry on whether they would be okay, being Niall's and his' back bone without taking sides and them dealing with their own personal lives too was just as haggaring as his own issues . It was probably too much.

"It's just that ... His methods of finding people aren't exactly orthodox or ... legal." Harry finally said, taking out his phone and tapping away on the app he had opened. It served as a distraction from looking the boys' faces and actually taking precautions to make sure that Jessica would be covered by his health insurance.

"So ... a hacker?" Niall questioned, his voice low and held a hint of something in its undertone that he could not recognise.  He really didn't know of he wanted to recognise it.

"Yeah." There. That was partially the truth. His guilt didn't not subside at all.

They arrived at the hospital with a screeching halt and they all spilled into the waiting room looking around for anyone that could help them.

Liam rushed the helping desk and asked for Jessica and Harlen Ramonov but the nurse manning the desk said that no one with those names had been admitted.

Liam explained further that she was pregnant woman who was bleeding. The nurse went though their records and luckily there was only one patient like that but she had been admitted under the name of Jane Doe.

"Really? Jane Doe?" Harry sneered out loud, his disgust with Harlen settling back into the cave of  his chest like a hibernating bear.

The nurse just watched him in alarm.

"I'm the father of the child and I would like to see her, please." Rather than assure her that be wasn't a mad man.

"Sir, we cannot let you see any of the patients unless you are related to her." The nurse said.

He rummaged through his pockets for his medical aid, his ID and Jessica's  ID that her mum had pressed into his hand as he left the house," She isn't Jane Doe, she is Jessica Ramonov and I'm the father of her child. She is also a beneficiary of my health insurance. You can use all that as prove. Now could you let me see her."

"Just a moment Sir, we need to confirm with the patient."

"Okay." He said calmly but by the time she had left her station he had already started wearing a path in the hospitals hallway.

The boys sat down and just watched him and after a few minutes they all were up, his feverish energy affecting them too. Liam and Luis went to get something to eat and Niall remained standing whilst silently brooding beside Harry.

"You know I would do this for you too right?" Harry suddenly blurted out

"What?" Niall startled, focusing on Harry finally come to a stand still in front of him.

" I would do all this for you too. Maybe even more, just to make sure you are safe and sound." Harry crowded Niall's view until all he could see was the tall British lad. His had a fine sheen of sweat on him upper brow that Niall was itching to wipe.

He curled his hands into a fist instead. He could feel the jagged edges of his nails that he had been biting off  the past few weeks.

"I don't know ..." Niall started but Harry cut him off.

The feel of Harry's lips on Niall's was so surpring. His muscle memory had him kissing Harry back but the kiss was short lived.

"Just know you are loved." Harry said before zooming off behind Niall.

Niall was left with the memory of the kiss as Harry hurriedly chased a firmiliar looking red head that was coming out of the elevator.

Secret Love Story (narry) (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora