Amy and Aubrielle's Choice (1)

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to give some quick shoutouts to 




Your comments have motivated me to write and do better with my book and I really appreciate all the nice things you have said. Thank you for reading and interacting. You are all amazing. 

Now on with the story. 

 Life has been quiet for the Pond's ever since they left the TARDIS, well somewhat. Amy and Rory got married and settled down in 'Upper' Leadworth, as Rory calls it. Aubrielle decided to finally move in with her best friend, into the house they've been dreaming of. She visits Amy every once in a while and still goes on adventures with the Doctor whenever Louis is gone. To all of them, life was as easy as it could be.


In the quiet countryside, a very heavily pregnant Amy is mixing ingredients in a bowl, when she suddenly puts it down and begins panting,"Rory!"

Outside the house

A pony-tailed Rory is cycling home on his bike," Rory, it's starting!" Amy screams from inside the house.


"Ah. Okay, okay." Rory dashes in to find Amy sitting down and eating cake mix.

"False alarm." Amy said.

"What?" Rory asked confused.

"Well, I don't know what it feels like. I've never had a baby before." Amy feeds him a spoonful of cake mix, Rory stands up and begins eating a cake. The sound of the TARDIS materializing is heard outside, "No."

"I know, leaf blowers. Use a rake."

"No, it's..." The Tardis parks herself directly outside the front window, in sight for them to see, "I knew. I just knew."

Front garden

The Doctor pokes his head out of the TARDIS and steps out, knocking over a rock, "Rory!"

Rory walks out of the house to see the Doctor. "Doctor!"

"I've crushed your flowers." He said.

"Oh, Amy will kill you." Rory replied.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"She'll need a bit longer." He responded.

"Whenever you're ready, Amy." The Doctor shouts through to Amy, Amy waddles out of the house to see them both standing there.

"Oh, way-hey!" The Doctor then takes notice in her large stomach,"You've swallowed a planet."

"I'm pregnant." Amy states.

"You're huge." The Doctor walks up to her feeling her heavily, pregnant stomach.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant." Amy points out the obvious.

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