The Doctor's Wife (3)

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 | Inside | Planet | Corridor |

"Come on, where are you?" The Doctor questioned as he closed his eyes, attempting to sense the other Time Lords. "Now, where are you all? "

"My love..." Aubrielle trailed as she walked over to him. "We need to get to Idris."

"Where are you?" The Doctor continued to question, ignoring his lover's concern as he pulled back a curtain to a small alcove.

"Well, they can't all be in here." Aurelia said as she looked into the small alcove.

"Aurelia..." Aubrielle called softly, grabbing the younger girl's hand. "I know you can feel it."

"I do..." Aurelia admitted with a small frown. "But I also have hope."

"You're right." Aubrielle said, ignoring her instincts. "But we need Idris."

The trio continued to search, each of them closing their eyes to help them sense the Time Lords better. Soon, they were able to hear indistinct voices nearby leading them to a small cupboard. Within the small cabinet, they find at least ten of the floating message boxes chattering away.

"Please do you read me." One called out for help.

"Structural integrity failure. Damage to the dimensional stabilizer." Another called.

"If you can hear, come and help." A man begged for assistance.

"Just admiring your Time Lord distress signal collection." The Doctor called out to Auntie and Uncle as they came up behind them. "Nice job. Brilliant job. Really thought I had some friends here, but this is what the Ood translator picked up. Cries for help from the long dead." He said before he finally turned around to face them.

"How many Time Lords have you lured here the way you lured me, and what happened to them all?" The Doctor questioned, growing angry.

"House, House is kind and he is wise." Auntie told him in response.

"House is a parasite." Aurelia shot back in response.

"House repairs you when you break." Aubrielle clarifies.

"Yes, we know. But how does he mend you?" The Doctor questioned. "You've got the eyes of a twenty year old."

"Thank you." Uncle thanks.

"That wasn't a compliment." Aubrielle states with an attitude. "He meant it literally."

"Your eyes are thirty years younger than the rest of you." The Doctor continues, nodding his head in thanks at his lover before ripping off Uncle's hat. "Your ears don't match, your right arm is two inches longer than you're left, and how's your dancing? Because you've got two left feet."

"Patchwork people." Aurelia hummed.

"You've been repaired and patched up so often, I doubt there's anything left of what used to be you." Aubrielle spoke looking them over.

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