Chapter 10 - " I'm sick of all these lies"

Start from the beginning

" and you are?" she said as she kept her eyes on the computer monitor.

" Cailin!" I heard my name being called out from across the lobby.

I looked over to see Cathy, the nurse I had known for years.

" Cathy" I smiled.

" she's all set Lilian" Cathy nodded towards the receptionist. The receptionist quickly gave me a pass and Cathy started walking me down the hall.

" I haven't seen you in months" Cathy said.

" I've been busy" I said ashamed at how much time I hadn't come by.

" my daughter showed me an article about you" she smiled.

" about?" I asked worried they were about the pictures.

" you joined a british band and you didn't even tell me" she playfully glared.

" it's been a lot to take in" I smiled.

" I bet your dad misses you" Cathy nodded just as we reached his room.

" I know" I said to her as I walked into room 302.

My dad was laying on the bed the exact same way I had last seen him. In the exact same room for the past seven years.

" hi dad" I said to him not expecting an answer.

He had been in an accident that caused him to be in a coma. Normally doctors would have pulled his tubes out after a while but they believed he could wake up one day.

I just hoped that day would come sooner. I missed having my best friend around.

" sorry I haven't been coming by. I have some news for you" I smiled.

I took a seat on a chair next to his bed and held his hand.

" I guess you could say my dreams came true. I'm signed as a recording artist. I'm in a band but it makes it all that much better. Everything's great" I faked a smile.

Truthfully I just didn't want to give him any bad news. There was a possibility he could hear me and he deserved only good news.

" mom still deluded out of her mind. She told me she's marrying this rich guy back home, but we both know how she is, she'll never go through it. Honestly I think she's still waiting for you to wake up and scoop her off her feet, like I am" I confessed.

I wished my mom would go back to the woman she was when my dad wasn't in this coma. After the accident she became this woman obsessed with herself. She got a different fiance every six months. Before I used to get mad but now it doesn't even phase me. I know she won't go through with it.

" I'll visit more often dad" I promised.

As soon as those words left my lips, a shoe squeak came from the doorway.

I expected it to be Cathy but as soon as I looked up it clearly wasn't her.

" what are you doing here?" I asked as I stood up from the chair.

" I followed you here" Harry said as he looked over at my dad.

" why?" I asked.

" I don't know" he shrugged.

Then a sudden realization hit me.

" you were worried about me weren't you" a smile crept on my face.

" just making sure you don't do anything stupid" Harry glared.

" we should go" I said to him before looking back at my dad.

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